Ceres, a U.S-based coalition of investor and environmental groups, and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in Canada, are seeking submissions for the 2005 Ceres-ACCA North American Awards for Sustainability Reporting. Application Deadline is Nov. 4, 2005 The awards >>> read more
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Source: , 23 September 2005Intro tekstIntro tekstIntro tekstIntro tekstIntro tekstIntro tekstIntro tekstIntro tekstIntro tekstIntro tekstIntro tekst blok 1 tekstblok 1 tekstblok 1 tekstblok 1 tekstblok 1 tekstblok 1 tekst
EU cancels tender for database CSR reports
Source: EU, 13 September 2005The EU cancelled the tender procedure for building a database of CSR reports of European companies by "political pressure". The tender has been cancelled after the deadline. Many consultant firms have invested in a proposal, but for nothing. More information >>> read more
German portal for non-financial reports goes online
Source: Van der Molen Environmental Internet Services, 8 September 2005The German spin-off of the leading portal for sustainability reports (www.sustainability-reports.com) goes officially online on September 15th 2005. With www.non-financial-reporting.de Van der Molen Environmental Internet Services and Stakeholder Reporting have realized a platform for sustainability, CSR, environmental and social reports >>> read more
CSR reports are missing key targets
Source: Pleon, 7 September 2005The quality of corporate reports on social responsibilities may have risen, but they consistently fail to meet the expectations of a major target group: the financial services sector, with its associated analysts, investors and shareholders. This is one of the >>> read more
Social Responsibility spreekt financiële wereld niet aan
Source: Pleon, 7 September 2005Jaarverslagen over maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen spreken de financiële wereld niet aan. Ondanks het feit dat Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of niet-financiële jaarverslagen vooral bedoeld zijn voor financiële stakeholders zoals aandeelhouders, analisten en investeerders. Dit blijkt uit het Global Stakeholder Report >>> read more
Corporate Citizenship Reporting Playing Larger Role In Global Companies Strategies
Source: The Conference Board, 1 September 2005Successful global companies are integrating the reporting of their corporate citizenship activities into their firms basic business missions, according to a report released today by The Conference Board. The companies that have best adapted their businesses report that setting goals, >>> read more
German assurance standard for sustainability reports
Source: 4sustainability, 16 August 2005The German accountants published on August 8 their draft assurance standard IDW PS 821 for sustainability reports. In spring 2005 the Institute for Sustainability and IÖW evaluated the relevance of assurance engagements and assurance statements in sustainability reports. In the >>> read more
EU plans to build online database for CSR reporting data
Source: European Commisson, 15 August 2005The European Commission calls for tenders for the development, publication and maintenance of a database about CSR performance of selected European companies. The Commission intends to promote improved transparency about social and environmental performance of European companies. This contract entails >>> read more
A Director’s Guide To Corporate Responsibility Reporting published
Source: Business in the Community, 3 August 2005Arthur D. Little Director’s Guide for Corporate Responsibility Reporting Developed in collaboration with Business in the Community, HBOS and Camelot, the Director’s Guide introduces the key elements of Corporate Responsibility reporting, illustrating how it can be used to support business >>> read more
Reporting On Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Remains Generally Stable In Central And Eastern Europe
Source: East-West Management Institute, 27 July 2005From May 10,2005, the Partners for Financial Stability (PFS) Program publishes its fourth semi-annual Survey of Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by the 10 Largest Listed Companies (by market capitalization) in eleven Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. Companies >>> read more
SRI analysts find more large US companies reporting on social and environmental issues
Source: SocialInvest.org, 27 July 2005A growing number of the largest publicly traded U.S. companies are reporting annually on their environmental and social performance just as they do on their financial performance, according to a new study by the Social Investment Research Analysts Network (SIRAN). >>> read more