The study analyzes over 50 published studies on corporate social performance and corporate financial performance, and finds an unambiguous positive relationship. "Can business meet new social, environmental, and financial expectations and still win?" Business Week posed this question in 1999, >>> read more
US Study Finds Sustainability a ‘High Priority’ for Employees
Source: GreenBiz.Com, 1 November 2004The most recent Steelcase Workplace Index Survey conducted by Opinion Research Corporation provides a glimpse at environmental perceptions in the workplace. Through this survey of over 675 office workers in the United States, Steelcase, a global office environments manufacturer whose >>> read more
GRI seeks participants for new Guidelines innovation process
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 28 October 2004Recruitment is now open for two new work streams being launched which will feature working groups looking at the clarity and purpose of the indicators (IWG), and at reporting as a process (RPWG). Starting immediately, sign-up forms are available on >>> read more
European Conference on CSR, Competing for a sustainable future, 7-9 november, MECC, Maastricht
Source: Dutch Ministery for Economic Affairs, 28 October 2004During its EU presidency, the Dutch Government will organise the European Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), entitled Competing for a Sustainable Future in Maastricht, the Netherlands, 7-9 November 2004. The conference is hosted by Minister for Foreign Trade Karien >>> read more
A partnership for a clean, clever and competitive Europe
Source: Dutch Ministery for the Environment, 28 October 2004Dutch state secretary Pieter Van Geel proposed a partnership with the WBCSD for a clean, clever and competitive Europe, before an audience of Chief Executive Officers from 70 multinational companies gathered in Amsterdam. Mr Van Geel said the partnership would >>> read more
ISO published the new work item proposal on CSR
Source: ISO, 21 October 2004ISO has now published on its website the new work item proposal on social responsibility. The basic process that is in place is as follows: (1) So far, there has been an ISO Social Responsibility Advisory Group report and recommendations >>> read more
Where sustainability means survival
Source: Financial Times, 15 October 2004Mike Scott finds the banking sector embarking on a series of initiatives to show how seriously it takes the impact of projects on the environment When it comes to unsustainable businesses, the financial services sector used to consider itself pretty >>> read more
Corporate Social Responsibility: Commission Launches Awareness-Raising Drive for SMEs
Source: European Union, 13 October 2004To inaugurate a major pan-European campaign to raise awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the Commission is hosting a launch event in Brussels today. Speakers include Commissioner Olli Rehn, British MEP Philip Bushill-Matthews as >>> read more
Memo From: SRI Analysts To: Companies–Use GRI Sustainability Reporting Platform!
Source: SRI World Group, 8 October 2004A coalition of 17 socially responsible investment firms recommends that companies disclose social and environmental data using the Global Reporting Initiative. Yesterday, 17 socially responsible investment (SRI) firms representing over $147 billion in assets issued a joint statement urging companies >>> read more
New tool for corporate sustainability management and reporting now available
Source: Proventia Solutions CSM, 5 October 2004Two Finnish multinationals have begun using new software to manage and report on their sustainability performance. Finnforest, which is one of Europe’s biggest wood products groups, and the manufacturer Wärtsilä Corporation are both now using the EnQ CSM software to >>> read more
GEMI Releases New Corporate Transparency Tool
Source: GEMI, 4 October 2004The Global Environmental Management Initiative has released a new tool been designed to provide approaches that a company may consider as it addresses transparency-related challenges and opportunities. Transparency: A Path to Public Trust" consists of a six-step process designed to >>> read more
Brazil-Sweden to lead development of ISO’s social responsibility standard
Source: ISO, 4 October 2004ISO has assigned the leadership of the working group that will develop an International Standard giving guidelines for social responsibility collectively to the national standards institutes of Brazil (ABNT) and Sweden (SIS). This twinning of a developing country member of >>> read more