New AA1000 Assurance Standard Practitioners Note released

Source: AccountAbility, 24 June 2004

AccountAbility is pleased to announce the release of the latest AA1000 Assurance Standard Practitioners Note. This Practitioners Note was produced from a consultation with representatives from companies, assurance providers, non-governmental organisations, and government in Johannesburg, South Africa. AccountAbility has been >>> read more

European Corporate Sustainability Framework (ECSF) ready

Source: ECSF, 18 June 2004

The European Commission /European Social Fund, an international consortium of academics, consultants and quality experts have developed a new generation management framework, and a set of stakeholder oriented (measurement) tools. This ECSF framework is able to support companies in demonstrating >>> read more

Media must improve accountability for brain print

Source: Sustainability, 17 June 2004

A new report by SustainAbility and WWF-UK, Through the Looking Glass: Corporate Responsibility in the Media & Entertainment Sector, calls for media and entertainment companies to be more transparent and accountable for their brain print on society. The biggest players >>> read more

FEE calls for action on CSR Reporting

Source: FEE, 11 June 2004

The European Federation of Accountants, FEE, is today calling on the European Commissions Multi-stakeholder Forum to give Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting the same level of recognition as financial reporting. CSR reporting typically sees corporations reporting on their economic, social >>> read more