GRI News update May 2004

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 26 May 2004

May 2004 news update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Public comments invited: Health and Safety Technical Protocol 5/10/2004 With funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GRI is developing a technical protocol for each of the six health >>> read more

Second Semi-Annual Survey of Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by the Largest Listed Companies in Central and Eastern Europe

Source: East-West Management Institute (EWMI), 10 May 2004

The PFS Program publishes its second semi-annual Survey of Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by the 10 Largest Listed Companies (by Market Capitalization) in Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. The survey was conducted by >>> read more

WBCSD sponsors international sustainability award

Source: WBCSD, 10 May 2004

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a new sponsor to the Sustainability Leadership Award. The award, launched in 2001 by Sustainability Asset Management (SAM) and the Sustainable Performance Group (SPG), honors extraordinary leadership by individuals working within >>> read more

People do read CSR reports!

Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 8 May 2004

A recent international survey by GlobeScan Inc. (formerly Environics International) reveals that consumers in North America, Europe, and Australia are consulting corporate social and environmental reports more commonly than originally thought. Knowledge of a companys social report also appears to >>> read more