Worlds Biggest Banks React to Global NGO Pressure With Equator Principles Groups View Principles as Deeply Flawed, But Are Heartened by Movement by Big Banks. With the worlds biggest and most influential private banks set to announce on June 4 >>> read more
Stakeholders promise to focus on follow-up action to improve CSR knowledge
Source:, 11 June 2003The second Round Table of the CSR Multi Stakeholder Forum on CSR knowledge was held on 2-3 June. Stakeholders expressed interest in continuing the forum beyond its current end date of summer 2004, agreed to improve communication and focus on >>> read more
GRI Update June 2003
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 10 June 2003The June 2003 update from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). * Structured Feedback Process Set to Begin in June * G8 Reaffirms Importance of Corporate Responsibility * Supplements Moving Forward * New Interactive Feedback Forum Coming in June * GRI >>> read more
10 global banks endorse socially responsible "Equator Principles"
Source: WBCSD, 6 June 2003Ten major banks from seven countries on Wednesday agreed to a series of guidelines known as the "Equator Principles" on social and environmental issues in loans to developing countries, the World Bank announced. The banks will apply the principles globally >>> read more
Australian ACCA sustainability reporting awards winners
Source: Ethical investor, 4 June 2003The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) announced the winners of the 2002 Sustainability Reporting Awards for Australia yesterday. City West Water took out the top honour, for the Best Sustainability Report 2002. BHP Billiton and Sydney Water were jointly >>> read more
International Survey of sustainability reporting published
Source: CSR Network, 2 June 2003CSR Network recently released Material World: The 2003 Benchmark Survey Report, a detailed research project evaluating global reporting among the 100 largest companies in the world, by revenue, as listed in the Fortune 500. The concept results from the simple >>> read more
CSR leaders ‘fail’ at communications
Source: Futerra, 26 May 2003Companies are not normally shy when it comes to telling the world how well they are doing. So why are Britain’s biggest companies so coy when it comes to talking about their record on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? The first >>> read more
Features: The 2002 GRI guidelines: Clearing up the misunderstandings
Source: Ethical Corporation, 26 May 2003Allen White of the Global Reporting Initiative argues that the Guidelines are misunderstood by some critics. A scan of corporate responsibility publications in recent months reveals many references to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the new Amsterdam-based institution whose mission >>> read more
Religious Investors, Advocacy Groups Issue First Global "Bench Marks" for Corporate Behavior
Source: ICCR, 23 May 2003Corporations around the globe for the first time now face the prospect of uniform standards and expectations from religious groups, other concerned investors and advocacy groups on a comprehensive range of issues, including sweatshop labor, pollution control and access to >>> read more
New consultation version of the SIGMA project published
Source: SigmaProject, 22 May 2003The SIGMA Project is a collaborative project that has been working to develop practical guidelines for organisations to help them make a meaningful contribution to sustainable development. A new consultation version of the SIGMA guidelines has just been published on >>> read more
Cross-Cutting Themes: new report WBCSD
Source: WBCSD, 21 May 2003The WBCSD’s brand new publication, Cross-Cutting Themes, zeroes in on six topics that are shaping the sustainability agenda – Eco-Efficiency, Innovation & Technology, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ecosystems, Sustainability & Markets, and Risk. The WBCSD is using the term Cross-Cutting Themes >>> read more
European Parliament adopts final position on CSR Communication
Source:, 20 May 2003On 13 May, MEPs voted on the report of Philip Bushill-Matthews on the Commission’s July 2002 Communication concerning Corporate Social Responsibility. In its resolution, the Parliament complains that "the Commission Communication was effectively written before the Parliament’s response to the >>> read more