Research released today by the Judge Institute of Management, Cambridges Business School, suggests that environmental and social credibility will have a significant impact on the future reputation of Multinational corporations. Within three scenarios of the future business climate (fortress world, >>> read more
Ethical commitment leads to business success, new study finds
Source: Institute of Business Ethics (UK), 14 April 2003New research by the Institute of Business Ethics, leaders in promoting corporate ethical best practice, has shown for the first time that companies with a clear commitment to ethical conduct outperform those which do not. The research is the most >>> read more
The Co-operative Bank ontvangt Europese prijs voor het beste maatschappelijk jaarverslag
Source: NIVRA, 11 April 2003Vandaag reikt Piet Hoogendoorn, voorzitter van het Koninklijk NIVRA, de European Sustainability Award uit aan The Co-operative Bank uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk. De bank ontvangt deze prijs vooral vanwege de wijze waarop alle relevante stakeholders in het maatschappelijk jaarverslag worden >>> read more
EU stakeholders discuss transparency of CSR practices and tools
Source:, 10 April 2003On 7 April, the EU Multi Stakeholder Forum on CSR held its last round table meeting in the first wave, focussing on the diversity and transparency of CSR practices and tools. Two additional round table waves will follow, until the >>> read more
WorkCover SA tells companies TBL reporting pays
Source: Ethical investor, 9 April 2003South Australias WorkCover Corporation has written to Australias 300 largest companies urging them to publicly report on their social and environmental policies and performance using SIRIS online reporting service. WorkCover SAs chief executive, Geoff Davey, has written the letter to >>> read more
New SRI information platform of Credit Suisse Private Banking
Source: SRI in Asia, 9 April 2003On March 25, 2003, Credit Suisse Private Banking launched an Internet information platform on the topic of "sustainable investments". This will give investors direct access to the latest news relating to this attractive growth market. At investors who would >>> read more
Join the first ever global survey of reporting
Source: ECC Kohtes Klewes, 8 April 2003As someone who is interested in corporate accountability, sustainable development, and corporate social responsibility reporting we would welcome your participation in the first ever global survey of reporting standards. Completing the survey will take about 10 to 15 minutes of >>> read more
First winners environmental reporting award Malysia
Source: ACCA, 7 April 2003The Malaysia Environmental Reporting Awards presentation ceremony was held on 11 March 2003. YB Dato’ Haji Zainal Dahalan, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment Malaysia presented the Awards to four winners: Shell Malaysia (Best Environmental Report) Sony >>> read more
First ACCA Singapore environmental reporting awards ceremony held
Source: ACCA, 7 April 2003The first cycle of the Singapore Environmental Reporting Awards (SERA) ended on 14 March 2003 with the awards presentation ceremony. Over 100 members of the business community attended the ceremony held at the Grand Gallery of the Ritz Carlton Millennia >>> read more
Australian CFO organisation published guide for triple P reporting
Source: Group of 100 (Australia), 7 April 2003The organisation representing the CFOs of Australias leading enterprises, the Group of 100, today released a guide which addresses many of the questions its members and senior executives in corporate Australia raise about triple bottom line (TBL) reporting. Prepared by >>> read more
Greening the marketing mix
Source: Forum for the Future, 4 April 2003Environmental communications is a discipline that’s coming of age. Whole armies of consultants have a wealth of advice, encouragement and cajoling on offer. Most of it is directed to business and rightly so, says Sharon O’Shea of The Greenhouse, talking >>> read more
CSR of companies on the web
Source: Financial Times, 2 April 2003A tangled ethical web – The best corporate sites breathe life into the complexities of corporate social … A tangled ethical web – The best corporate sites breathe life into the complexities of corporate social responsibility DAVID BOWEN. Corporate social >>> read more