A tangled ethical web – The best corporate sites breathe life into the complexities of corporate social … A tangled ethical web – The best corporate sites breathe life into the complexities of corporate social responsibility DAVID BOWEN. Corporate social >>> read more
Analysts eye the ethical market.
Source: Financial Times, 2 April 2003(Published on 27 february 2003 in Financial Times). An unusual phenomenon has emerged in London’s equity markets: the arrival of corporate responsibility analysis among a sell-side community that has traditionally been most resistant to the intrusion of social and environmental >>> read more
Philips launched first Sustainability Report
Source: Philips, 28 March 2003Royal Philips Electronics launched the company’s first annual Sustainability Report, adding detailed accountability for economic and social responsibility to its former Environmental Report. The reporting initiative is in line with the steps taken in recent years to increase transparency and >>> read more
Sustainability Report Philips: meer vrouwen in de top
Source: Volkskrant, 28 March 2003(Gepubliceerd in De Volkskrant van 27 maart 2003). Philips gaat het aantal vrouwen in topfuncties sterk opvoeren. Het elektronicaconcern wil het percentage vrouwen de komende vijf jaar verhogen van 4 naar 10 procent. Dit blijkt uit het jaarlijkse duurzaamheidsverslag dat >>> read more
Global Reporting Initiative invites Telecom sector
Source: Telecom.paper, 28 March 2003The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an organization with a mission of developing a generally accepted, organization-level sustainability reporting framework through a multi-stakeholder, global consultative process that has involved corporations, NGOs, governments, accountancies, consultancies, labor organizations, investors, and others. GRI >>> read more
New report underlines importance of fuelling the CSR debate
Source: CSR Europe, 28 March 2003The Dublin-based European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions examined four of the many issues that have an impact on the process and implementation of CSR: restructuring, subcontracting, the local community and the environment. The report highlights >>> read more
Worlds First Corporate Responsibility Assurance Standard Launched to Improve Business Performance and Credibility
Source: AccountAbility, 26 March 2003Launched today is the worlds first assurance standard developed to ensure the credibility and quality of corporate public reporting on social, environmental and economic performance, as demanded by campaigners and the public, and increasingly investors and regulators. The AA1000 Assurance >>> read more
Investor interest in corporate social social responsibility on the rise
Source: CSR Europe, 25 March 2003Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can help companies gain a competitive advantage in attracting investors and offer excellent risk management strategies, say a majority of investor relations professionals at Europes leading companies. A new CSR Europe/INSEAD study, carried out in cooperation >>> read more
ACCA UK Sustainability Awards winners announced at ceremony
Source: ACCA, 24 March 2003At a ceremony in the British Library this morning, 12 organisations received awards at the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) UK Awards for Sustainability Reporting. The winning organisations received their awards from the Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher MP, Minister >>> read more
Sustainability rating for insurance companies: less than 25% recommended
Source: Oekom, 24 March 2003The Norwegian insurance company Storebrand has come out top in a sustainability assessment of the insurance sector carried out by Munich-based rating agency oekom research. Storebrand beat 69 competitors for the top place in oekom’s Corporate Responsibility Rating, a sustainability >>> read more
UN Global Compact and Global Reporting Initiative Strengthen Cooperation
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 19 March 2003Two leading international initiatives that promote corporate citizenship have agreed to strengthen their collaboration to help companies to improve their economic, social, and environmental performance. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s Global Compact (GC) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) announced a >>> read more
Results of first Corporate Responsibility Index published
Source: Business in the Community, 12 March 2003Business in the Community has released the results of its first annual Corporate Responsibility Index today. The index publicly benchmarks the responsible business practice of top companies in the UK. A total of 122 companies took part, with a further >>> read more