Calling time on sustainability reports that have not been independently assured, FEE stresses that assurance provision is essential to the future credibility of sustainability reporting. Currently more than half of all sustainability reports are issued without independent assurance. This is >>> read more
Responding to the Leadership Challenge: CEO Survey on Global Corporate Citizenship
Source: World Economic Forum, 5 February 2003In preparation for the World Economic Forums Annual Meeting 2003, the Global Corporate Citizenship Initiative (GCCI) conducted a survey with selected signatory CEOs of the CEO Statement on Corporate Citizenship. Offering insight from 18 different industry sectors and more than >>> read more
GRI Update February 2003
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 5 February 2003The February 2003 update from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): · Invitation to Register as Organisational Stakeholders · Financial Planning for the Long-term · Update on Stakeholder Council · Report Assurance on the GRI Agenda · Work on Telecommunications and >>> read more
CSR: Some see a beacon of care, other a PR smokescreen
Source: The Observer, 3 February 2003Companies invest heavily in protecting their reputation and ensuring society’s expectations are met. Is this corporate social responsibility or simply a smokescreen? Big business stalks the corridors of power lobbying for liberal trade policy, flexible labour laws and benign tax >>> read more
A global right to know
Source: International Herald Tribune, 3 February 2003In 1984, 40 tons of lethal gas leaked from a Union Carbide plant at Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh. Thousands of people were killed. The disaster in India led the U.S. Congress to pass a law requiring companies to disclose chemical >>> read more
Third survey of sustainability/environmental reports in Australia/New Zealand
Source: SIRIS, 30 January 2003SIRIS, together with SMEC has recently completed the third survey of sustainability/environmental reports in Australia/New Zealand. The report found that the reporting standard in Australia and New Zealand compares well with that of international reporting organisations. Twenty-four of some of >>> read more
The UN Global Compact and the WBCSD announce partnership
Source: WBCSD, 29 January 2003The UN Global Compact and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development will cooperate more closely for a coherent approach to corporate social responsibility The very distinct nature of the two organizations presents considerable scope for building on complementary strengths >>> read more
Loyal clients don’t pay attention to CSR
Source: Research International, 29 January 2003A large study of Research International shows: . Major worldwide study explores perceptions of modern brands and the issues facing globalisation . Naomi Kleins thesis is wrong, consumers seek to forgive brands, negative issues are largely put aside . But >>> read more
Networks & Components: Do visionary technologies and sustainability go hand in hand?
Source: Oekom, 29 January 2003The question of which companies take a responsible attitude towards investors, employees and the environment is becoming an increasingly explosive issue. The Munich-based rating agency oekom research has been focussing on precisely this issue for almost ten years now. In >>> read more
The measure of a good company
Source: International Herald Tribune, 27 January 2003There was widespread recognition at the global summit meeting in Johannesburg last September that corporations are indispensable to sustainable development. Put simply, there can be little enduring social or environmental progress without active contributions from the private sector. Yet for >>> read more
A Business Perspective on Global Corporate Responsibility
Source: PR Newswire, 24 January 2003Whether this past year in Washington or next week in Davos, "corporate responsibility" has become synonymous with combating company wrongdoing. But for the vast majority of global firms who play by the rules, the term signifies something rather different. What >>> read more
NGOs need to be more accountable
Source: One World Trust, 24 January 2003The One World Trust’s Global Accountability Report is the first of its kind to compare the accountability of inter-governmental organisations (IGOs), transnational corporations (TNCs) and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Eighteen of the world’s most powerful organisations are assessed in this >>> read more