Forbes Magazine this month published its first CSR special, which features contributions from CSR Europe and a number of leading companies. CSR Europes Senior Director Ann Vandenhende has also been named a member of Forbes Corporate Sustainability Advisory Board. CSR >>> read more
New CSR guide for the energy industry
Source:, 26 September 2002FINERGY, a consortium of Finnish energy companies, has published industry-specific guidelines and tools for better Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) management. Inspired by the European Commission’s Green Paper on CSR, the Finnish Energy Industries Federation (FINERGY) has recently published a business >>> read more
Corporate Responsibility Needs A Broader Definition, New NPA Report Says
Source: The National Policy Association, 20 September 2002President Bush has argued that there is "no capitalism without conscience." He and other policymakers have developed an array of public policies to promote corporate responsibility. But these officials define corporate responsibility too narrowly. In a new book released today >>> read more
study confirms link between CSR and better sales
Source: Hill and Knowlton, 19 September 2002A tough economic climate and a wave of boardroom scandals have turned the spotlight on company reputation and that of the CEO. The overriding current concern of CEOs is sales, according to a survey of over 800 Chief Executive Officers >>> read more
First survey of environmental and social reporting in Scotland
Source: Centre for Human Ecology, 5 September 2002The Centre for Human Ecologys Transparency Index is the first survey of environmental and social reporting in Scotland. It provides a snap shot of the performance of major companies in Scotland in an area that is increasingly important for competitiveness. >>> read more
Results of the DJSI Review 2002
Source: Dow Jones, 4 September 2002Dow Jones Indexes, STOXX Limited and SAM Group today announced the results of the annual review for the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI). Effective September 23, 2002 the DJSI World will again include over 300 companies from 23 countries that >>> read more
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 4 September 2002Special GRI UPDATE – WORLD SUMMIT ISSUE Contents: * 2002 Guidelines Released * GRI at the World Summit on Sustainable Development * Call for Nominations for Stakeholder Council * Join the Dialogue! * Paul Hohnen Appointed GRI Vice-President of Strategy >>> read more
New GRI 2002 guidelines published
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 31 August 2002Amidst increasing worldwide calls for improved corporate accountability, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) released today a new set of public reporting guidelines to help companies and other organisations disclose performance beyond the financial bottom line. The 2002 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines >>> read more
Study about CSR Implications for SMEs in Developing Countries
Source: UNIDO, 27 August 2002Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a process that has been driven by globalization, deregulation and privatisation. For Trans National Corporations (TNCs) it is an outcome of public pressure arising from their operations in developing countries in relation to human rights, >>> read more
First in-depth research into the CSR reporting in annual reports
Source: Hoop Associates, 23 August 2002"All mouth, no trousers?" is the first in-depth research into the reporting of corporate responsibility in annual reports. Each annual report from the top 100 European companies has been examined for ethical statements. The 52 that contain some form of >>> read more
UK Business Leaders Do Not Have Time For Environmental Questionnaires
Source: Trucost, 23 August 2002Research* launched today shows that business leaders are not taking steps to reduce their environmental impact. The research, by Trucost, also reveals that 50% of business leaders think they spend too much time completing environmental questionnaires. Suppliers are on the >>> read more
Survey: "US companies fail to address the triple bottom line"
Source: PriceWaterhouseCoopers US, 23 August 2002PricewaterhouseCoopers surveyed senior executives and managers of 140 large US-based companies to determine their attitudes and approaches towards sustainability — a new standard of corporate performance that moves beyond evaluation of short-term business goals to evaluation of long-term social, economic, >>> read more