Some corporations continue to abuse the rights of people, destroy the livelihoods of communities, and pollute water and forest resources for future generations, according to a new report by Friends of the Earth International has been published. The report graphically >>> read more
August 2002 Update of GRI
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 13 August 2002August 2002 update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). * GRI at the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development * Sustainability Reporting Events Held in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Australia * Guidelines Revisions Near Conclusion * GRI Welcomes EU Proposals >>> read more
Annual Stock Market Outperformance of 17% is Achieved by Environmental Leaders in the Global Pharmaceutical Sector
Source: Innovest, 13 August 2002Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, Inc., the global leader in intangible value analysis, has released a new 100-page report on the relative corporate environmental performance among 29 pharmaceutical companies in the U.S., Europe and Japan. Innovest found that companies with better >>> read more
Australia follows GRI on sustainability reporting
Source: Ethical Investor, 13 August 2002Environment Australia and the Department of Family and Community Services are putting together guidelines for companies reporting on sustainable issues, said Environment Australia. Anne Close, assistant director of the financial sector projects team and Environment Australia, said the guidelines in >>> read more
Pre-Publication Release of new GRI guidelines
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 12 August 2002The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)announced the availability of the Pre-Publication Release of the 2002 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines on the Global Reporting Initiative web site This Pre-Publication Release is made available to all parties prior to the formal launch of the >>> read more
Corporate Responsibility and the Competitive Advantage of Nations
Source: The Copenhagen Centre, 8 August 2002Pamphlet launched on eve of Jo’burg Rio +10 Summit argues that significant development impacts from ‘corporate responsibility’ will not be forthcoming unless it is integrated into national economic competitiveness strategies and practices. Authored by economists and leading corporate responsibility experts, >>> read more
Corporate Responsibility among banks and financial service providers
Source: Oekom, 7 August 2002How much capital flows when, where and for what purposes? Banks and financial service providers make these decisions, thereby exerting an enormous influence on economic and socio-political processes. They can also give significant impetus to sustainable development, for example by >>> read more
SRI leaders press sec, nyse for more comprehensive corporate reforms
Source:, 6 August 2002The Social Investment Forum, the national trade association for the socially responsible investing (SRI) industry, is calling on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to go beyond the limited corporate governance reforms approved last week by the New York >>> read more
market slump providing unexpected boost to socially responsible mutual funds
Source:, 30 July 2002Is the scandal-fueled stock market slump turning more Americans into socially responsible investors? According to Lipper data released today by the nonprofit Social Investment Forum, socially and environmentally responsible mutual funds experienced positive asset growth in the first half of >>> read more
report warns environmental risks could reduce shareholder value of leading oil and gas companies
Source: World Resources Institute, 24 July 2002A new World Resources Institute (WRI) report released today calls on investors to pay closer attention to how oil and gas companies are exposed to environmental risks. The new WRI report, Changing Oil: Emerging environmental risks and shareholder value in >>> read more
British Law Requiring SRI Reporting by Pension Funds Fails to Generate Best Practice
Source:, 24 July 2002Two years ago, the British Parliament became the first legislative body in the world to require reporting on socially responsible investing (SRI). The Pension Disclosure Regulation, which went into effect in July 2000, amended the 1995 Pensions Act to require >>> read more
Groundbreaking Report about business case for sustainability in emerging markets
Source: Sustainability, 17 July 2002The role of business in sustainable development is a key element in the coming World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. A report published today overturns conventional wisdom by showing that it does pay for businesses in emerging markets to >>> read more