Business leaders and academics are teaming up in a groundbreaking attempt to prove to the European business community that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) makes good business sense. Their joint research project, the European Academy of Business in Society , represents >>> read more
UK Parliamentarian calls for mandatory social reporting law
Source:, 2 July 2002Labour member of the UK Parliament, Linda Perham, has tabled a proposal for a corporate ethics bill. It would make environmental and social reporting a legal requirement. The proposed bill aims to make it mandatory for companies to provide yearly >>> read more
EU Commission adopts Communication document about CSR
Source: EU, 2 July 2002On 2nd July 2002 the Commission adopted a communication concerning "CSR, a business contribution to sustainable development". The consultation process on the Green Paper has supported Community action in the field of CSR. In the present Communication, which constitutes a >>> read more
Commission to propose a complementary EU approach to CSR
Source:, 28 June 2002On 2 July, the Commission is expected to publish a Communication on corporate social responsibility. The proposal is likely to focus on how the EU can promote best practice, code of conducts and social labels. Background: In July 2001, the >>> read more
June 2002 update Global Reporting Initiative
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 18 June 2002June 2002 update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) with the following subjects: * GRI Develops Network in South Africa * Jo’burg Stock Exchange and GRI Reporting * Planning Meetings for November Briefing * HIV/AIDS Project Update * Still Time >>> read more
George Soros and NGOs call for rules to require corporations to disclose payments
Source: Transparancy International, 18 June 2002International financier and philanthropist George Soros launched a call to governments across the globe for transnational resource extraction companies to ‘Publish what they pay’. Mr. Soros has teamed up with a coalition of over 30 NGOs to insist that oil, >>> read more
IRRC Tally Shows Record Support for Shareholder Proposals in 2002
Source: IRRC, 14 June 2002In the first "post-Enron" annual meeting season, shareholders have been sending three loud and clear messages to corporations: Put more independent directors on boards, let shareholders vote on executives’ pay and severance packages, and don’t allow a company’s auditor to >>> read more
AccountAbility published assurance guideline for social, ethical and environmental reports
Source: AccountAbility, 14 June 2002Social, environmental and sustainability reporting has grown dramatically in recent years. The change has been led by large corporations, particularly those with high public profiles and brands. The practice is also rapidly extending to other parts of the international business >>> read more
Companies that are socially irresponsible are being punished
Source: Environics, 13 June 2002Consumers and shareholders are increasingly inclined to "punish" companies that are socially irresponsible, a new survey showed. According to the third Annual CSR Monitor by Environics International, the proportion of consumers who report punishing companies because of poor social performance >>> read more
Canadian Business for Social Responsibility Releases GoodCompany Guidelines
Source: Canadian Business for Social Responsibility, 12 June 2002As market forces and market failures provoke demands for greater corporate responsibility, Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR) announces the public release of the first corporate accountability tool of its kind in Canada The GoodCompany Guidelines. These guidelines enable companies >>> read more
Corporate governance study US companies
Source: FEI, 11 June 2002The Financial Executives Institute has published on-line the results of a US survey of over 300 public companies, sharing insights on codes of conduct, board structure and audit committee practices. The survey, which was conducted in May 2002, reveals that >>> read more
Research shows CSR still challenging corporate conscience post-September 11 and Enron
Source: Echo Research, 10 June 2002Following on from a similar study conducted in 2000, international reputation analysis firm Echo Research has examined how CSR has progressed as an influence on corporate behaviour and how the challenges it faces will change in the future. Echo Research’s >>> read more