A printer should be fast and a fridge as quiet as possible. But how much power does my fast printer consume? And what coolants are used in my fridge? In a "Corporate Responsibility Rating, the Munich-based rating agency oekom research >>> read more
Transparency International releases new Bribe Payers Index
Source: Transparancy International, 7 June 2002-> Russian, Chinese, Taiwanese and S. Korean companies widely seen using bribes in developing countries -> High propensity to bribe overseas also seen for companies from Italy, Hong Kong, Malaysia, United States, Japan, France and Spain -> Construction and arms >>> read more
Sustainability-Reports.Com, the most featured service for Sustainability Reports of multinationals
Source: Van der Molen E.I.S., 6 June 2002Today the website www.Sustainability-Reports has been lauched. This sustainability reporting service is offering both reporting companies as the stakeholders many sophisticated features. The website is an initiative of Van der Molen Environmental Internet Services. This company is managing The International >>> read more
AA1000 Series Assurance Standard consultation document
Source: AccountAbility, 6 June 2002"Reporting without verification is like blood without haemoglobin" [John Elkington, Chair, Sustainability Ltd, previously member of AccountAbility’s Council] Social, environmental and Sustainability reporting has grown dramatically in recent years, led by large corporations, particularly those with high public profiles and >>> read more
Europe’s business community responds to CSR debate
Source: Euractiv.com, 6 June 2002The European business community has called for a constructive debate on corporate social responsibility in an open letter to Commission President, Romano Prodi. In the letter, European business associations UNICE, ERT and CSR propose five principles that should underpin the >>> read more
Institutional Investors collaborate on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Questionnaire
Source: Carbon Disclosure Project, 3 June 2002Today a group of large institutional investors with significant assets wrote to the 500 largest quoted companies in the world by market capitalisation asking for the disclosure of investment-relevant information concerning their greenhouse gas emissions. Commenting on the information request, >>> read more
CSR: half of Europe’s SMEs engage in socially beneficial activities
Source: EU, 31 May 2002Corporate social responsibility: half of Europe’s small and medium-sized enterprises engage in socially beneficial activities, says new Commission report Half of Europe’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) already engage in socially responsible activities that benefit the local community, such as >>> read more
International Survey of Corporate Sustainability Reporting 2002 published
Source: KPMG, 30 May 2002Forty-five percent of the Fortune global top 250 companies (GFT250) are now issuing environmental, social or sustainability reports in addition to their financial reports, according to a new survey released by KPMG. Globally, more companies than ever are publishing reports >>> read more
Australian companies lag on sustainability reporting
Source: Ethical Investor, 29 May 2002Australian companies significantly lag their international counterparts in triple bottom line reporting according to new research by KPMG. The forthcoming research paper titled KPMG International Survey of Corporate Sustainability Reporting 2002, was previewed at a business forum attended by over >>> read more
WBCSD: "Sustainable development is serious stuff for industries"
Source: WBCSD, 28 May 2002Sustainable development is too big for companies to handle individually, regardless of their size. By working together in sector projects, companies can achieve more than they would alone, shows a new report released today by the World Business Council for >>> read more
New environmental criteria for FTSE4Good indices
Source: FTSE4Good, 25 May 2002The first major review of the FTSE4Good selection criteria took place in May 2002. As a result the ground rules are being updated starting with the environmental criteria. This is the timetable: September 2002: All companies in the indices receive >>> read more
High-tech companies not committed to sustainability
Source: Nautilus, 24 May 2002Despite voluntary efforts to reduce environmental impacts, semiconductor companies are not adequately grappling with the environmental, health and labor impacts of their production and assembly operations, especially in developing countries and global supply chains, according to a new report released >>> read more