In May 2002, the OECD published a report on the implementation of the convention on combating bribery. At the same time, a NGO report shows that bribery is still common in certain countries and for certain sectors. The OECD Convention >>> read more
May 2002 update GRI
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 21 May 2002May 2002 update of The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) with the following topics: * First 33 Members of Stakeholder Council Announced * Draft Child Labour, Energy, and Water Protocols Available * Comment Period on Draft 2002 Guidelines Closes 26 May >>> read more
Engineers provided with tools to measure sustainability
Source: (Institution of Chemical Engineers, 21 May 2002The Sustainability Metrics the title of a new publication launched this week at the annual Assembly of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. Speaking at the launch, Robert Lowson, DEFRAs director of environmental strategy, said, We are very impressed and supportive >>> read more
Industry move towards sustainability "too slow"
Source: UNEP, 16 May 2002There is a growing gap between the efforts of business and industry to reduce their impact on the environment and the worsening state of the planet, a new report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) reveals today. This gap, >>> read more
Leading-edge Research in Global Corporate Citizenship
Source: Arthur D. Little, 13 May 2002One major company states in its annual report that corporate citizenship is both "a moral responsibility and an economic necessity". But what is the business case for and against increased corporate citizenship? This is the subject of a recent research >>> read more
ICC published guideline for making a responsible business conduct
Source: ICC, 10 May 2002The International Chamber of Commerce today proposed practical steps for companies in making responsible business conduct a management priority – and said this could be good for business. "An increasing number of companies view corporate responsibility as integral to their >>> read more
Ethical index FTSE4Good accused of diluting standards
Source: Financial Thimes, 6 May 2002The UK’s major "ethical" investing index is being accused of watering down green standards by including "unethical" companies. The FTSE4Good family of indices were launched in a blaze of publicity nine months ago to encourage investment in companies with good >>> read more
Companies embrace ‘sustainability reports’ as central to their reputations
Source: The Cristian Science Monitor, 6 May 2002By Amanda Paulson | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor "Sustainability" is a big buzz word these days for environmental groups, activists, government officials. And now, corporations. More large companies, from auto giants to airlines, are producing "sustainability reports" >>> read more
Business Ethics’ 100 Best Corporate Citizens Outperform S&P 500
Source:, 4 May 2002An academic study concluded that Business Ethics’ list of 100 Best Corporate Citizens generated better returns than the remaining companies on the S&P 500. Last week, Business Ethics announced its third annual list of the 100 Best Corporate Citizens, which >>> read more
FEE Discussion Paper Providing Assurance on Sustainability Reports
Source: FEE, 4 May 2002The principle of Sustainable Development, as outlined in the UNs Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, ten years ago, delivered a challenge to the business community. Could it respond to society’s demands and demonstrate that, at a company level, strategy >>> read more
Nordic companies winners of the EERA awards
Source: , 4 May 2002Nordic companies are the winners of all the trophies at the award ceremony for the Sixth Annual European Environmental Reporting Awards (EERA) on April 29. The objective of EERA is to provide encouragement and guidance, as well as reward best >>> read more
Social responsibility guidelines for the financial sector
Source: British Bankers Association, 25 April 2002Margaret Beckett, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs today announced £50,000 Government sponsorship for the development of ‘Guidance on Corporate Social Responsibility Management and Reporting for the Financial Services Sector.’ The guidelines will cover social, environmental and >>> read more