A new breed of nonprofit and corporate leader is trading tension and distrust for collaboration to improve corporate environmental practices in significant and lasting ways. A new report, "Partnering for Sustainability: Managing Nonprofit Organization-Corporate Environmental Alliances," outlines the factors that >>> read more
Investors keep a closer eye on social and environmental indicators
Source: Business in the Environment, 7 June 2001New research suggests that company performance on social and environmental issues is holding greater sway on the decisions of investor analysts, although institutional investors still need some persuading. A report commissioned by the company-led group, Business in the Environment, shows >>> read more
Companies are missing out on financial opportunities related to greenhouse gas emission reporting
Source: Edie Newsroom, 31 May 2001According to research by greenhouse gas management company, Greenergy, out of 50 UK companies surveyed, only 26 reported comprehensively on greenhouse gas emissions, with many companies missing out on the financial benefits associated with greenhouse gas reduction projects. The authors >>> read more
UNICE calls for new approach to EU enironmental policy-making that promotes innovation
Source: UNICE, 30 May 2001UNICE today published its manifesto EU environmental policy-making for sustainable development. It repeats the commitment of European business and industry to the fundamental idea of sustainable development as a process in which the three goals of economic prosperity, social cohesion >>> read more
FSTE 100 companies given ultimatum on accountability
Source: New Economics Foundation, 29 May 2001On the eve of the CBI annual dinner, the New Economics Foundation (NEF) is calling on all FTSE 100 companies to introduce a stakeholder council into their corporate governance structure or be consigned to the dustbin of history. "Its time >>> read more
Survey compares global 100’s reports and websites
Source: Cutter Information Corp., 28 May 2001Of the world’s top companies, 64% use their Web sites to disclose social and environmental information of some type, according to a survey by CSR Network, international consultants, of the reporting practices of the firms on *Fortune* magazine’s current list >>> read more
UK consultation on general guidelines for environmenal reporting
Source: Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions, UK, 9 May 2001The UK Prime Minister has challenged all businesses in the FTSE top 350 to report on their environmental performance by the end of 2001. The Government also strongly encourages other businesses and public sector organisations to do likewise. To help >>> read more
New report: "The Power to Change: Mobilising board leadership to deliver sustainable value to markets and society"
Source: Sustainability, 8 May 2001SustainAbility and International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) is pleased to announce the launch of its latest report The Power to Change: Mobilising board leadership to deliver sustainable value to markets and society. Power to change explores the shear zone of >>> read more
Business Group Supports Sustainability Via the Market Economy
Source: WBCSD, 25 April 2001New report identifies seven factors companies must address in order to realize sustainable practices. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has issued a new report that shows how open, transparent markets can drive sustainability. It also makes the >>> read more
Large Survey of the state of the art of Corporate Environmental Management within Europes Top Companies has been published
Source: NIVRA, 13 April 2001A large Survey of the state of the art of Corporate Environmental Management within Europes Top Companies has been published by Royal NIVRA, the Dutch recognised professional body for approximately 13,000 registeraccountants working in positions in which the quality of >>> read more
Financial Times: Top companies under pressure on environment
Source: Financial Times, 11 April 2001Public companies will come under increased pressure to focus on their impact on the environment following the announcement of a new policy by a leading UK fund manager. Morley Fund Management, which manages Pounds 100bn of assets including the equivalent >>> read more
Shell International winner of the 2000 European Environmental Reporting Award
Source: ACCA, 9 April 2001Four companies collected awards in The Fifth European Environmental Reporting Awards (EERA), held in Brussels today. Shell International, joint winner of the 2000 UK Environmental Reporting Award, took top prize in the EERA with it’s report: "SHELL Report 2000, How >>> read more