Corporate decisions have an ever greater effect upon society and the environment on a global level. As providers of information, we are aware that investors, consumers, employees and other stakeholders increasingly demand an assessment of the performance of companies in >>> read more
Join the UNEP/Sustainability Benchmark Survey 2000 with your report
Source: Sustainability, 15 May 2000Previous Benchmark Surveys from SustainAbilitys Engaging Stakeholders Programme, have provided much-needed recognition of progressive reporting practices, and have been a good opportunity for companies to learn and be showcased. Sustainability asked us to pay attention to the following request: Send >>> read more
US Toxic Release Inventory has been extended
Source: US EPA, 15 May 2000In a major expansion of the Clinton/Gore Administration’s on-going commitment to serve the public’s right to know about toxic pollution released into local communities, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today is making public for the first time toxic emissions figures >>> read more
Green Accounts in Denmark evaluation and new approach
Source: Danish EPA, 15 May 2000Denmark has gained valuable experience with Green Accounts since 1995. Green Accounts from Danish enterprises have been evaluated, to prepare for the coming revision of the Green Accounts Act. From a Danish EPA evaluation of green accounts covering 50% of >>> read more
UK: ‘New economy’ and small companies worst at environmental reporting
Source: PIRC, 15 May 2000Regulated by IMRO Information technology companies are the worst at reporting on any environmental issues out of 38 sub-sectors analysed in PIRC’s annual survey of environmental reporting in the UK. Only 14% disclose having an environmental policy and none describe >>> read more
Neste Fortum winner of the European Environmental Reporting Award
Source: ACCA, 15 April 2000Four top European companies collected major awards in the fourth annual European Environmental Reporting Awards in Brussels today. Companies from ten European countries – the UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Finland and Belgium – competed for >>> read more
Report published about Social Responsible Investment
Source: Sustainability, 5 April 2000Sustainability, a well known UK consulting firm, published for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), British Airways, Dow Chemical, Ford and the NatWest Group a report about socially responsible investment. A Responsible Investment? Executive summary Socially >>> read more
FTSE 100 Companies failing to take advantage of internet for environmental issues
Source: ERM, 15 March 2000For all the hype about the Internet, a study carried out by Environmental Resources Management (ERM), one of the world’s largest consultancies, has found that only a handful of the UK’s top companies use the Internet to effectively communicate information >>> read more
United Utilities plc winner of the UK 1999 ACCA Environmental Reporting Award
Source: ACCA, 15 March 2000The ACCA award for the best example of environmental reporting in 1999 went to United Utilities plc. In an engaging, clear format, United Utilities report provides excellent coverage of climate change issues as well as a comprehensive sustainable economy section >>> read more
Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry (NHO) argues Norwegian government proposals for corporate green reporting requirements
Source: NHO/ENDS, 15 February 2000The Norwegian government has proposed changes in the law for corporate green reporting requirements. The Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry (NHO) argues this because the proposed legislation could force companies to devote more than half of their annual directors’ >>> read more
FTSE 100 index companies fail to report on the environment
Source: Oxera Environmental, 15 February 2000Accounting for the Environment, a new report by OXERA Environmental, finds that major companies within the FTSE 100 index still do not produce a corporate environmental report. Although standards of reporting among utility companies are good, companies in the banking, >>> read more
WBCSD: social responsibility vital to business survival
Source: WBCSD, 15 January 2000Managing social issues is a critical reputation asset, vital for the survival of todays corporations. This was the message today at the World Business Council for Sustainable Developments London launch of its second report on Corporate Social Responsibility, Making Good >>> read more