How are organizations responding to their responsibilities to ensure decent working conditions and fully disclose their impacts on workers? This question is at the heart of a major review of all GRI labor-related Standards – with a consultation launched for >>> read more
GRI and IFRS Foundation collaboration to deliver full interoperability that enables seamless sustainability reporting
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 24 May 2024The IFRS Foundation and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) are deepening their working relationship, building upon the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2022. This collaboration seeks to provide a seamless, global and comprehensive sustainability reporting system for companies looking to meet the information >>> read more
New ‘CSRD Essentials’ series explains the EU’s mandatory sustainability reporting requirements
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 15 May 2024A new publication addresses key themes on the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the legislation adopted by the EU in December 2022 and now in effect. CSRD Essentials simplifies key aspects of the new Directive and is the result >>> read more
One-in-four major companies report with GRI Tax Standard
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 14 May 2024New research finds 26% of the 1,000 largest public companies worldwide are voluntarily using the GRI Tax Standard in their sustainability report, while policymakers and influential stakeholders are increasingly looking to GRI 207: Tax 2019 when articulating tax transparency expectations. Global adoption >>> read more
IFRS Foundation and EFRAG publish interoperability guidance
Source: EFRAG, 2 May 2024The IFRS Foundation and EFRAG have published guidance material to illustrate the high level of alignment achieved between the International Sustainability Standards Board’s IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and how a company can apply >>> read more
Strengthened collaboration between GRI and TNFD
Source: , 12 April 2024The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) are deepening their collaboration to support the corporate reporting needs of market participants globally. Over the past two years, TNFD and GRI have worked closely to support >>> read more
GRI publishes guides to foster better disclosure and standards-based policymaking
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 27 March 2024With a continued shift towards mandatory sustainability reporting, GRI is supporting global policymakers with an initial set of three new guidance documents. Covering double materiality, due diligence, and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), each publication emphasizes the pertinence of the topic and >>> read more
Voluntary disclosure policies lead global sustainability agenda
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 18 March 2024The post-SDG era saw a huge growth in voluntary sustainability disclosure policies: mandatory ones constituted 55.2% pre-2015, whereas post-2015, 64% of global policies are voluntary. According to the 2023 Carrots & Sticks (C&S) report, this global trend is part of a >>> read more
What Companies Should Know About the SEC Climate Disclosure Rule
Source: Nasdaq, 13 March 2024After nearly two years and over 24,000 comments from a multitude of stakeholders, the SEC released its long-awaited ruling, The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. The rules require public companies to include additional climate-related disclosures in their annual >>> read more
Sustainability Reporting and Assurance Practices of Largest Global Companies Continue to Mature
Source: IFAC, 28 February 2024The largest global companies are providing more detail and breadth in their sustainability reporting, and also are obtaining a greater scope of assurance on those disclosures, according to an updated report from the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and AICPA >>> read more
CEN, CENELEC and EFRAG join forces to foster synergies in sustainability reporting
Source: EFRAG, 28 February 2024A Memorandum of Understanding enhances the commitment to develop maximum synergies between the different European Standards developed by EFRAG and by CEN and CENELEC in the field of sustainability reporting. The aim is to facilitate the implementation of sustainability reporting >>> read more
Sustainability Reporting and Assurance Practices of Largest Global Companies Continue to Mature, IFAC, AICPA & CIMA Study Shows
Source: IFAC, 23 February 2024The largest global companies are providing more detail and breadth in their sustainability reporting, and also are obtaining a greater scope of assurance on those disclosures, according to an updated report from the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and AICPA >>> read more