GRI and SASB take next step in cooperation

Source: , 7 May 2017

Last week, GRI and SASB took the stage together in a joint session at the Ceres Conference in San Francisco, revealing further collaboration plans.​ Most people working in the field of sustainability are familiar with the so-called rivalry between GRI >>> read more

The value of reporting on non-financial performance

Source: Carbon Clear, 26 April 2017

In today’s complex business landscape, companies are expected to deliver more than profits and shareholder value: they are increasingly focusing on their non-financial performance. One element of this Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) approach is investing human and financial resources in >>> read more

The Downside of Sustainability Reporting

Source: PCGC , 14 April 2017

Not long ago, I wrote about the growth of sustainability reporting among public companies. (See this Doug’s Note.) It is now widely believed that effective sustainability reporting, also called “corporate social responsibility” reporting, facilitates a perception among investors, employees, customers, >>> read more