Information about a company’s intangible assets like corporate culture, reputation and environmental sustainability is highly sought after by equity investors, but is rarely found in financial reports. PhD candidate Andy Moniz from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) has >>> read more
Second set of draft GRI Standards released for public comment
Source: GRI, 3 June 2016The second set of draft GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) is now available for public comment until 17 July 2016. This latest set of 30 topic-specific, draft GRI Standards is based on the Aspects from the G4 Guidelines, and >>> read more
The role of government, business and data in sustainability
Source: Eco-Business.Com, 1 June 2016Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) launched its newest technology initiative, the Digital Reporting Alliance, which will address two key challenges in sustainability reporting – the lack of structured data and the lack of demand for digital reporting. The second day of the >>> read more
Statement on Management Accounting about Integrated Reporting
Source: IMA, 30 May 2016Because integrated reporting is still a new management practice, IMA® (the association of accountants and financial professionals in business) published a Statement on Management Accounting on this subject. The report outlines both the guiding principles of integrated reporting and the >>> read more
It Pays to Be Transparent on Natural and Social Capital
Source: , 27 May 201622 companies have experimented the past two years with making the influence of their products on people and society transparent, from sourcing to end user. For example, ABN AMRO mapped the social and environmental effects of cocoa financing and DSM >>> read more
Reporting sustainability data for action
Source: , 27 May 2016From May 18-20, 2016, I joined the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Global Conference. Here are my overall takeaways, highlights and concerns from this three-day event, focused on collaboration, the SDGs, big data and action for impact. GRI’s Chair Christianne Wood opened the >>> read more
GRI2016 Post Event Wrap Up by Ralph Thurm
Source: Toronto Sustainability, 27 May 2016It’s the week after the GRI Conference, the week when we attendees all return to our desks and reflect what we heard and learned. Clearly, GRI has set important steps, has changed its strategy towards becoming a standard setter, and >>> read more
CSR Reports Must Address Quality vs Quantity
Source: Toronto Sustainability, 26 May 2016The market for environmental, social and governance (ESG) information is growing. Investors and other stakeholders are increasingly looking at the business world through a wide-angle lens. They realize that long-term sustainable financial success requires looking beyond the current quarter to >>> read more
UN Global Compact and GRI Strengthen Collaboration for the New SDG Era
Source: , 20 May 2016Today the UN Global Compact and GRI announced a renewed Memorandum of Understanding at the 5th GRI Global Conference outlining continued collaboration over the next three years, notably in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In joining forces, >>> read more
An overview of Day 2 of the GRI Global Conference
Source: , 20 May 2016The second day of the 5th GRI Global Conference opened on Thursday 19 May, with breakfast sessions on emerging sustainability topics and the plenary on ‘Innovation for Sustainable Development – The Role of Private Sector Collaboration’. Delegates took part in >>> read more
GRI launches Digital Reporting Alliance
Source: , 19 May 2016Today, international sustainability standard setter GRI announced its newest technology initiative, the Digital Reporting Alliance, on the second day of the 5th GRI Global Conference. The Digital Reporting Alliance will address two key challenges in sustainability reporting: the lack of >>> read more
GRI and DIHR partner to bridge business and government action on human rights
Source: , 19 May 2016Today, international sustainability standard setter GRI and the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) announced a new partnership to enable business and government action to improve human rights around the world. GRI and DIHR will collaborate to promote sustainability reporting >>> read more