GRI launches GOLD Community to shape the future of sustainability

Source: GRI, 19 February 2016

GRI launched a new membership and engagement program, the GRI GOLD Community, building on its collaborative, global multi-stakeholder network. The GRI GOLD Community consists of diverse companies and organizations from across civil society, business, mediating institutions, labor and intergovernmental agencies, >>> read more

Integrated reporting: more than a box-ticking exercise

Source: Robeco, 17 February 2016

Integrated reporting, which combines financial and sustainability information, is starting to appear more on companies’ agendas. Although this is a step in the right direction, integrated reporting should not be the final objective, but rather a means of meaningful reporting, >>> read more

Company Disclosures Related to Climate Change

Source: International Banker, 11 February 2016

Climate change is real! It is a global challenge impacting everyone, including companies and businesses around the world. Governments and societies are stepping up to challenge companies to address climate-related issues through reducing emissions, investing in responsible enterprises or complying >>> read more

New brief report: Integrated Profit & Loss

Source: True Price, 4 February 2016

With the increasing importance of sustainability, businesses need to make complex decisions. How to juggle the interests of multiple stakeholders? How to compare natural, social and financial impact? How to meet the new rules on Integrated Reporting? True Pric introduced: Integrated >>> read more

Five tips for companies new to integrated reporting

Source: CLP Group, 27 January 2016

Stock exchanges around the world, including the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, are moving towards the requirement of including material ESG (environmental, social and governance) performance in listed companies’ annual reporting process. For companies new to ESG reporting, it seems only >>> read more

Why doing a materiality assessment often makes sense

Source: GreenBiz, 20 January 2016

A materiality assessment is how you figure out which sustainability issues have the greatest risk or reward for your company. Most people who work on corporate responsibility or sustainability have done, or considered doing, some sort of materiality assessment . The process >>> read more

Investment Rules 2.0: nonfinancial and ESG reporting trends

Source: EY, 13 January 2016

There is clear evidence of a growing reliance on nonfinancial information. Investors, more than ever, are using nonfinancial performance to draw conclusions on value and better inform and underpin their decisions. However, many organizations still fail to meet investor expectations regarding >>> read more