In the past few years, the gradual emergence of integrated reporting has presented an alternative to the usual stand-alone corporate sustainability reports filed by the vast majority of companies. Integrated reporting aims to provide comprehensive disclosure of a company’s finances, >>> read more
GRI and IIRC deepen cooperation to shape the future of corporate reporting
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 1 March 2013The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) today announced an agreement that will see the two organizations deepen their cooperation to transform the future of corporate reporting. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), signed by GRI >>> read more
Coke Slams Guidelines but GRI Argues its Case
Source: Environmental Leader, 28 February 2013The latest version of the Global Reporting Initiatives Sustainability Reporting Guidelines G4 will require companies only to provide disclosures and indicators relevant to their business, a GRI spokesperson said, denying claims that G4 will impose a greater burden >>> read more
Why 400 people have already registered for GRI’s Global Conference – and why you should too!
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 26 February 2013The Global Conference on Sustainability and Reporting, taking place from 22-24 May in Amsterdam, will be the must-attend sustainability event of 2013. The Conference will bring together 1500 leaders and practitioners from around the world. The first 400 seats are >>> read more
Global Reporting Initiative: a new framework?
Source: The Guardian, 25 February 2013Proposed changes could backfire if they turn reporting into an impossible burden, says Ben Tuxworth. Sustainability reporting has changed beyond recognition in the last decade. The limited accounts of performance produced by a small number of pioneering companies have been >>> read more
Sustainability reporting – The dog that didnt bark
Source: Ethical Corporation, 9 January 2013That companies are making false sustainability claims isnt the scandal its that nobody noticed, says Mallen Baker. Recent research into companies producing reports in line with the Global Reporting Initiative has found some fairly dramatic results. In short, it >>> read more
Sustainability Reporting More than Doubles
Source: Environmental Leader, 18 December 2012The number of S&P 500 and Fortune 500 companies managing and reporting performance on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues more than doubled from 2010 to 2011, according to an analysis by Governance & Accountability Institute. Read the full article >>> read more
The future of integrated sustainability reporting
Source: GreenBiz, 11 December 2012Robert Eccles, Professor of Management Practice at Harvard Business School, has been a driving force on the topic of reforming corporate sustainability reporting over many years. Ethical Corporation CEO Toby Webb asked him, in an email Q&A, about whats happening >>> read more
Umicore, bopro en Antwerpse Havengemeenschap winnaars Award 2012 for Best Belgian Sustainability Report
Source: Business & Society Belgium, 5 December 2012Op 4 december 2012 mochten Umicore, bopro en Antwerpse Havengemeenschap een Award 2012 for Best Belgian Sustainability Report (ABBSR) in ontvangst nemen. Ze werden resp. bekroond in de categorieën grote en middelgrote ondernemingen, kleine ondernemingen en overige organisaties. Delhaize Groep, >>> read more
Royal HaskoningDHV topadviseur MVO Transparantiebenchmark
Source: Royal HaskoningDHV, 28 November 2012DHV is wederom het best-scorende advies- en ingenieursbureau in de jaarlijkse MVO-Transparantiebenchmark van het ministerie van Economische Zaken. Daarnaast heeft Royal HaskoningDHV maar liefst vijf bedrijven in de top 20 op enigerlei wijze geadviseerd bij hun duurzaamheidsverslaglegging. Op de totale >>> read more
Sustainability reports check more boxes but miss big picture
Source: GreenBiz, 7 November 2012Corporate sustainability reports are simultaneously getting better and worse, according to our research at DNV Two Tomorrows, a sustainability consulting firm. Read the full article by following the link
10 years of GRI in the Netherlands
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 26 October 2012This year, GRI celebrates its 10 year anniversary in the Netherlands. The last 10 years have been quite a journey, with no shortage of highlights. GRI was founded in Boston in 1997 by the US non-profit organizations the Coalition for >>> read more