Discussion paper Towards Integrated Reporting published

Source: IIRC, 12 September 2011

The Discussion Paper Towards Integrated Reporting – Communicating Value in the 21st Century considers the rationale for Integrated Reporting, offering initial proposals for the development of an International Integrated Reporting Framework and outlining the next steps towards its creation and >>> read more

Evolution of Corporate Reporting

Source: Environmental Leader, 25 May 2011

It’s no secret that more and more companies are placing greater importance on CSR initiatives. As CSR moves from boardroom conversation to implementation, clear reporting and accurate measurement is now an integral part of most CSR initiatives. Transparent, data-driven communications >>> read more

Time to forget sustainability reporting

Source: The Guardian, 19 May 2011

John Elkington is cheered by the prospect of a new generation that seems ready to embrace integrated reporting Who’d have thought it? Corporate reporting is exciting again. As the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) convened last week, this time in >>> read more