Carbon emissions, management and remediation of contaminated land, and sub-contracted labor issues are some of the sustainability issues that can now be reported by construction and real estate companies, thanks to new guidance published today (22 September 2011) by the >>> read more
Discussion paper Towards Integrated Reporting published
Source: IIRC, 12 September 2011The Discussion Paper Towards Integrated Reporting Communicating Value in the 21st Century considers the rationale for Integrated Reporting, offering initial proposals for the development of an International Integrated Reporting Framework and outlining the next steps towards its creation and >>> read more
ISO and Global Reporting Initiative increase cooperation on sustainable development
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 7 September 2011ISO, the worlds largest developer of voluntary International Standards, and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), developer of the worlds most widely used sustainability reporting framework, have just signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to increase their cooperation. GRI was one >>> read more
EPRA launches best practice guidelines for sustainability reporting
Source: EPRA, 6 September 2011The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) has launched best practice guidelines for sustainability reporting in a bid to lift standards in this area in the listed sector. The BPR were developed by the EPRA Sustainability Reporting Committee with help >>> read more
Do Better CSR Reports Lead to Better Corporate Citizens?
Source: GreenBiz.Com, 28 June 2011For as long as companies have been communicating their CSR efforts, analysts and investors — and concerned individuals, of course — have been asking whether stronger reports lead to better companies. In the course of a recent study we conducted >>> read more
Big Four Audit Firms Lead Sustainability Assurance Services
Source: Environmental Leader, 23 June 2011The Big Four financial audit firms are the top green counters, too, leading the market in corporate sustainability assurance services, according to a new Verdantix analysis of global sustainability assurance providers. Read the full article by following the link,
New partnership to make sustainability reports more useful to investors
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 23 June 2011A new format for providing sustainability data will help investors, auditors and analysts use information in sustainability reports more quickly and easily, thanks to a new ambitious program announced today by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Deloitte. A kick-off >>> read more
X-change – Award for Best Belgian Sustainability Report
Source: Business & Society Belgium, 1 June 2011De Award for Best Belgian Sustainability Report 2011 beloont de ondernemingen en andere entiteiten die naast hun financieel-economische gegevens ook rapporteren op een transparante manier over hun maatschappelijk welzijnsaspecten en hun impact op het milieu. De rapporten Duurzaam Ondernemen zijn >>> read more
Evolution of Corporate Reporting
Source: Environmental Leader, 25 May 2011Its no secret that more and more companies are placing greater importance on CSR initiatives. As CSR moves from boardroom conversation to implementation, clear reporting and accurate measurement is now an integral part of most CSR initiatives. Transparent, data-driven communications >>> read more
Time to forget sustainability reporting
Source: The Guardian, 19 May 2011John Elkington is cheered by the prospect of a new generation that seems ready to embrace integrated reporting Who’d have thought it? Corporate reporting is exciting again. As the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) convened last week, this time in >>> read more
Why Sustainability Reporting Is Revolutionary
Source:, 12 May 2011e stand teetering between the old and the new. This next decade, we predict, will be the test of all of us. Not because of what might be, but because of what is. We have long said that things we >>> read more
US Lags In Environmental Reporting Assurance
Source: Environmental Leader, 12 May 2011The proportion of sustainability reports undergoing external assurance in the U.S. is 66 percent lower than the global average, according to figures published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) today. Data for 2010 (pdf) shows that about half of GRI-based >>> read more