Building on the universe of indicators established by the Global Reporting Initiative, a new report argues that a targeted list of issue areas would help stakeholders assess the sustainability performance of companies. Read the full article following the link.
As CSR Reporting Goes Mainstream, Standardized Approaches Are Needed
Source: SocialFunds.Com, 28 September 2010A report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development finds that investors seeking environmental, social, and governance information need greater comparability. a report published this month, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) examines the corporate >>> read more
Have your say! GRI G3.1 Public Comment Periods
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 12 August 2010Incremental revisions are an essential piece of the work being carried out today to keep the GRI Guidelines up-to-date. GRI would like your input on the next generation of the Sustainability Reporting Framework related to Community, Gender, Human Rights and >>> read more
Formation of the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC)
Source: IRRC, 4 August 2010The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) announced today the formation of the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC). The world has never faced greater challenges: over-consumption of finite natural resources, climate change, and the >>> read more
IFC and GRI launch Good Practice Note to help companies achieve greater business value through sustainability reporting
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 28 June 2010IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) today announced the launch of a joint publication that aims to make it easier and more profitable for companies in emerging markets to adopt sustainability reporting. >>> read more
Integrated Reporting: Too Many Stakeholders, Too Much Data?
Source:, 10 June 2010On Monday, the Conference Board hosted a webcast on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Future of Integrated Reporting. The panel included Mike Wallace, the director of the sustainability reporting framework with GRI; Intel’s Director of CSR Strategy and >>> read more
Survey of best practices, trends and benchmarks in Sustainability Reporting 2010
Source: Business & Society Belgium, 31 May 2010More and more organizations consider the CSR report a serious management tool contributing to the dialogue with the stakeholders and helping to mobilize the employees around a continuous improvement of an organization’s environmental, social and governance performance. The survey released >>> read more
GRI proudly announces the winners of the GRI Readers Choice Awards 2010
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 28 May 2010GRI and its Awards partners (KPMG Spain, KPMG Netherlands, SustainAbility, ACCA, Futerra, TCS and exclusive sponsor Petrobras) are proud to present the winners of the GRI Readers Choice Awards 2010. In a festive Awards Ceremony that took place at the >>> read more
GRI announces its 2015 and 2020 goals and launches G3.1 public comment at first day of Amsterdam Global Conference
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 27 May 2010The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) today opened the doors for the Amsterdam Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency, the worlds largest gathering of leaders, thinkers and doers in the field of sustainability reporting. At the fully booked conference, close to >>> read more
Governments to play a stronger role in sustainability reporting to ensure a minimum level of disclosure and risk prevention
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 27 May 2010The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), KPMG Sustainability, the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) and The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) launched today Carrots and Sticks Promoting Transparency and Sustainability, a study on trends in voluntary and mandatory approaches >>> read more
European analysts call for ESG reporting link to IFRS
Source: Responsible Investor, 18 May 2010German counterpart DVFA have called for companies to formally orient their environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting towards International Financial Reporting Standards. EFFAS, the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies, and Germanys Society of Investment Professionals say they strongly recommend >>> read more
Sustainability reporting helps rebuild trust in business, financial institutions and government
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 17 May 2010According to new research presented by The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), sustainability reporting has become an essential tool to help businesses and governments rebuild trust and confidence in the wake of economic collapse. GRI – the pioneering developer of the >>> read more