Recently, Apple has unveiled a number of new green products, but theyre opposed to a shareholder resolution that would require them to publish a corporate social responsibility (CSR) report. Proposed by environmental group As You Sow, the resolution calls for >>> read more
Mandatory CSR Reporting for Denmark’s Largest Companies
Source: GreenBiz.COm, 8 January 2009Hundreds of the largest private and state-owned companies and institutional investors in Denmark must include corporate social responsibility information in their annual financial reports beginning in 2010. The Danish Parliament voted in mid-December to force the 1,100 largest enterprises to >>> read more
Development of sustainability guidelines for the agricultural sector is progressing
Source: LEI, 17 December 2008Companies are increasingly being called to account for their role within society. Many companies therefore produce sustainability reports, in which they report on the impact of the company on society. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) publishes globally-applicable guidelines clarifying the >>> read more
More and more Chinese companies report on CSR
Source: CSR Europe, 11 December 2008More and more Chinese companies are issuing CSR reports, according to a new report entitled Journey in Search of Value 2008 by Oxfam Hong Kong. "There are increasing numbers of companies issuing CSR reports, but the quality of those reports >>> read more
Brazilian Top 10 Raise The Bar on Sustainability Disclosure
Source: Sustainability, 10 December 2008Launched today in São Paulo, Brazil, The Road to Credibility assesses approaches to sustainability reporting in Brazil and highlights best practice in transparency and disclosure. Published by SustainAbility, Fundação Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (FBDS) and the United Nations Environment >>> read more
FEE Survey finds that reporting on sustainability in annual reports needs improvement
Source: FEE, 8 December 2008FEE (Fédération des Experts comptables Européens Federation of European Accountants) signals that reporting on corporate social responsibility should be in the spirit of the Modernisation Directive. Entities are increasingly including environmental and social issues within their business strategy and >>> read more
BT wins UK Sustainability Reporting prize for second year running
Source: ACCA GLobal, 4 December 2008For the second year in succession, BT has won the top accolade at the 2008 UK Sustainability Reporting Awards, which identifies and highlights innovative attempts by companies to communicate corporate sustainability performance and to reward transparency. ‘We are delighted to >>> read more
Longer Sustainability Reports Win Awards, Carbon-Intense Companies Report Less
Source: GreenBiz.COm, 19 November 2008Companies that publish longer environmental reports tend to earn more awards, companies in low carbon-intense sectors put out longer reports and almost all companies fail to define key sustainability terms, according to a study of corporate reports. Admitting the variety >>> read more
U.S. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Doubles Since 2005
Source: Environmental Leader, 28 October 2008Twice as many top U.S. companies publicly released sustainability data in 2008 compared with three years earlier, with ethics outweighing economics for the first time as the primary reason for the disclosures, according to a KPMG analysis of corporate reports. >>> read more
UNEP and GRI launch new reporting tool to encourage greater disclosure in the financial sector
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 21 October 2008Banks, insurers and asset managers, struggling to rebuild battered reputations after the financial turmoil of 2008, will benefit from a new environment and social reporting standard launched today, claims a senior United Nations official. The United Nations Environment Programme, through >>> read more
Global Reporting Initiative establishes new Australian base at St James Ethics Centre
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 17 October 2008The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and St James Ethics Centre (the Centre) have today signed an agreement to establish an Australian base for GRI. GRI is the developer of the worlds most widely-used sustainability reporting guidelines the G3 Guidelines >>> read more
Leading organizations call for better corporate reporting on human rights
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 23 September 2008Marking sixty years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, three leading organizations are launching a new initiative to foster greater integration of human rights principles into corporate sustainability reporting. The project – Human Rights: A Call >>> read more