The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants announced the shortlist for its annual UK Sustainability Reporting Awards, AccountancyAge reports. The 17th annual sustainability award has been broadened to include 20 countries worldwide. The panel includes judges from Acona, KPMG Europe LLG, >>> read more
Watching the Bee Watchers Watchers: The Assurance Industry Checks Companies’ Non-Financial Reports
Source: SocialFunds.Com, 26 August 2008In 2008, nearly 3,000 companies are planning to publish some type of corporate non-financial report or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report, the website projects. However, only a quarter of the companies are also planning to include third-party verification of >>> read more
New Report Sheds Light On Assurance Process of CSR Reports
Source: CorporateRegister, 14 August 2008The CSR Assurance Statement Report is the first report to offer an independent, comprehensive overview of the field. The report outlines who uses assurance, who provides assurance and what methods are used. Assure View is a reference point for all >>> read more
Sustainability Reporting By S&P 100 Companies Made Major Advances From 2005-2007
Source: Social Invest Forum, 18 July 2008SIRAN/Social Investment Forum Report Finds Strong Growth in CSR Web Sites, CSR Reports and Use of Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines More than half of the United States 100 largest publicly traded companies now report on their sustainability efforts, and more >>> read more
GRI launches new global network to encourage greater transparency in the corporate supply chain
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 4 July 2008As problems in international companies supply chains continue to come under the spotlight, Amsterdam-based Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) today announced the launch of the GRI Global Action Network for Transparency in the Supply Chain. GRI is calling on multinational firms >>> read more
DHV Group first with Corporate Responsibility report
Source: DHV, 16 June 2008The DHV Group is the first consultancy and engineering firm in the world to produce a Corporate Responsibility report that complies with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). "Contributing to the sustainable development of our living environment is >>> read more
GRI urges more companies and authorities to report on greenhouse gas emissions on World Environment Day
Source: Global Reporting Initiative , 4 June 2008Amsterdam-based Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) today – on World Environment Day – called on companies, governments and NGOs to report publicly on their sustainability performance and include details on their greenhouse gas emissions. United Nations Environment Programmes (UNEP) World Environment >>> read more
Business & Society Belgium publiceert Praktijkgids duurzaamheidsverslaggeving
Source: Business & Society Belgi, 22 May 2008Business & Society Belgium heeft de Praktijkgids duurzaamheidsverslaggeving gepubliceerd. Transparantie tegenover stakeholders is een onomstotelijke en onomstreden pijler van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen. De middelen en de omvang van deze transparantie staan tegenwoordig nog wel ter discussie. Business & Society Belgium >>> read more
More transparency needed in European assurance reports
Source: Ernst & Young, 22 May 2008Transparency in assurance reports on corporate responsibility disclosures can be greatly improved. Major differences in terms of topics discussed and the lack of information create confusion. This makes comparison between reports impossible, both those issued by auditors and those issued >>> read more
New Zealand companies win at trans Tasman sustainability reporting awards
Source: Scoop, 21 May 2008For the fifth year in a row Auckland company WaterCare Services has been honoured at the annual trans Tasman sustainable reporting awards announced in Sydney today. WaterCare won the Best Report in the Water Sector award in recognition of its >>> read more
Australian guide for sustainability reporting published
Source: Group of 100, 20 May 2008The Group of 100, representing the chief financial officers of Australias largest business enterprises, and KPMG today released a comprehensive good practice guide for companies and organisations engaged in the preparation of sustainability reports. The publication, entitled Sustainability Reporting: A >>> read more
CSR Reporting: Rainbows Versus ROI
Source: Environmental Leader, 18 April 2008Youve heard it all before*. Someone reviews a corporate social responsibility report and complains that there are too many pictures of rainbows and smiling children. Theres not enough hard data. Its clearly a marketing piece. On the other hand, overly-analytical >>> read more