A new report about Sustainability Reporting in emerging markets has been published. This report summarizes a research project investigating the current level of sustainability reporting and disclosure by emerging market companies. The report is the first analysis of emerging market >>> read more
Sustainability reporting: it’s not rocket science
Source: Accountancy Age, 15 January 2008The launch of the report of the Prince of Wales Accounting for Sustainability Project just before Christmas was hugely important. For the first time, business and the public sector now has a simple and clear framework on which to base >>> read more
New Sustainability Reporting Ratings of Roberts Environmental Center
Source: Roberts Environmental Center, 10 January 2008The Roberts Environmental Center analyzes the environmental and social reporting of the world’s largest companies and publishes the results of up to 30 companies at a time in industrial sector reports. We rank the companies for overall quality of reporting >>> read more
Sustainability Reporting: Earth in the Balance Sheet
Source: CFO Magazine, 10 January 2008Sustainability reports offer plenty of eye candy, but can they actually help managers make better decisions? Three weeks before Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to sound the alarm on climate change, a coalition of investors, >>> read more
Sustainability: Now its easier to be green
Source: Financial Times, 8 January 2008For years, accountants have dabbled at the edges of sustainability. Their response to climate change and the growing effect it has on corporate performance has been, in the words of one prominent accountant, a bit like a rabbit caught in >>> read more
GRI Readers Choice Awards short-list is up for scoring
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 7 January 200877 sustainability reports have been selected for the GRI Readers Choice Awards short-list. From today until 31 January readers of sustainability reports will be able to score these short-listed reports. Only short-listed reports will have the chance to win one >>> read more
Finalists Chosen for Ceres-ACCA North American Sustainability Reporting Awards
Source: CERES, 5 January 2008Ceres and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) today announced the shortlist of candidate reports for the Ceres-ACCA North American Sustainability Reporting Awards for 2007. Of the 87 sustainability reports received, 21 were selected for further consideration by the >>> read more
Corporate Responsibility reporting reaches all time high
Source: Deloitte, 19 December 2007The number of FTSE 100 companies issuing corporate responsibility (CR) reports has reached a record high, according to research from business advisory firm Deloitte. 80 of the UKs top 100 companies now report on corporate responsibility in their Annual Report >>> read more
BT wins ACCA’s UK environmental reporting award
Source: ACCA, 17 December 2007BT has won the top accolade at ACCA’s (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) annual UK Awards for Sustainability Reporting today. ACCA also commended seven other organisations for their reports on the environmental, social and wider economic impacts of their activities >>> read more
Sustainability report seeks the facts
Source: Financial Times, 13 December 2007Not so long ago green issues were commonly associated with fuzzy public relations gestures rather than cold, hard numbers. But as companies increasingly accept the need to tackle climate change, the focus has shifted to technical measurements. Enter the accountants, >>> read more
Second round of the GRI Readers Choice Awards starts on 1 January 2008
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 10 December 2007Nearly 800 sustainability reports are currently in the running for the inaugural GRI Readers Choice Awards. On December 31st the field of eligible reports will be reduced to a short-list based on reports with: the highest volume of scores >>> read more
Urgent need to promote more standardised corporate reporting on climate change
Source: DSR, 7 December 2007Dutch Sustainability Research (DSR) and Respect published findings of a benchmarking study on climate change best practice. The research indicates that corporations are taking part in numerous interesting and innovative climate change related initiatives. However, overall climate change disclosure remains >>> read more