The Project Task Force on European Sustainability Reporting Standards (PTF-ESRS) of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has released working papers on the first draft standards on sustainability reporting.
The papers reflect the current state of the standard-setting work carried out by the Task Force following the due process the PTF-ESRS has defined for itself.
The cover note that accompanies the set of working papers sets out the intended architecture and structure of the standards, offers a draft index for the European Sustainability Reporting Standards as appendix 1 and access to the individual working papers as appendix 2. The drafts in the working papers published today cover four cross-cutting standards (of a total of five), two conceptual guidelines (of a total of six) and the ESRS E1 Climate change. The cover note highlights that the other working papers will be published in two further batches within the next weeks.
EFRAG emphasises that the publication of the working papers is to ensure a transparent process, it is not a public consultation. A future consultation is mentioned in the cover note, however, not date is given.
Please click to access the cover note linking to the working papers on the EFRAG website.