EFRAG is pleased to announce that the European Lab Steering Group has appointed the members of the Project Task Force for its first project on climaterelated reporting (the ‘PTF on Climate-related Reporting’), selected from a high number of applicants from a broad range of stakeholder groups and national backgrounds. The appointed members have practical experience and expertise in climate-related reporting from companies of different sizes, users (analysts and investors), the accountancy profession, civil society, academia and other constituencies. The term of appointment of the PTF on Climate-related Reporting is for the duration of the project.
EFRAG Board President and Chair of the European Lab Steering Group, Jean-Paul Gauzès, welcomed the new appointments noting: “in appointing the PTF on Climate-related Reporting, the Steering Group has responded to the call of the European Commission’s Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth. We are honoured to be able to draw on the diverse experience and impressive skillsets of the members. I am confident that this task force has the commitment and expertise to deliver the European Lab’s first project on climate-related reporting, in line with our mission of sharing good practices and stimulating innovation in the field of corporate reporting in Europe.”
The newly-appointed members are:
• Cristina Bage-Friborg, company (Sweden)
• Michel Bande, civil society organisation (Belgium)
• Piotr Biernacki, user (Poland)
• Jean-Francois Coppenolle, financial institution (UK)
• Eric Dugelay, accountancy profession (France)
• Aurelie Faure Schuyer, user (France)
• Elena Flor, financial institution (Italy)
• Antonio Fuertes Zurita, company (Spain)
• Andrea Gasperini, user (Italy)
• Giulia Genuardi, company (Italy)
• Andreas Horn, company (Germany)
• Andre Jakobs, financial institution (The Netherlands)
• Bertrand Janus, company (France)
• Kristina Jeromin, user (Germany)
• Michele Lacroix, user (France)
• Anna Lindberg, financial institution (Sweden)
• Alexandra Middleton, academic (Finland)
• Miroslav Petkov, user (Bulgaria)
• Alice Peyrard, company (France)
• Nicole Röttmer, accountancy profession (Germany)
• Matthias Schmidt, accountancy profession (Germany)
• Jane Thostrup Jagd, consultant (Denmark)
• Michael Zimonyi, civil society organization (Hungary)
The PTF on Climate-related Reporting will be responsible for the operation of this first project of the European Lab, including planning, identifying good practices and challenges, conducting
stakeholder outreach activities and the project report and other deliverables.