The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) is pleased to announce that its General Assembly has appointed the members of the inaugural Steering Group of the European Lab@EFRAG (the ‘European Lab Steering Group’), selected from a broad range of stakeholder groups and national backgrounds. The appointment of the European Lab Steering Group members is for a two-year term and is subject to renewal. The Steering Group which will focus on non-financial reporting, including sustainability reporting.
EFRAG Board President and Chairman of the European Lab Steering Group, Jean-Paul Gauzès, welcomed the new appointments noting, “in setting up the European Lab, EFRAG has responded to the call of the European Commission’s Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth.
We are honoured to be able to draw on the diverse experience and impressive skillsets of the new Steering Group members, and I fully expect that they will fulfil a pivotal role inensuring the European Lab@EFRAG delivers on its mission of sharing good practices and stimulating innovation in the field of corporate reporting in Europe.”
Jean-Paul Gauzès is the Chairman of the European Lab Steering Group; the Vice-Chairman is Alain Deckers, European Commission.
The newly-appointed members are:
- Hilde Blomme, accountancy profession, Belgian
- Ossian Ekdahl, company, Swedish
- Simonetta Ferrari, company, Italian
- Elisabeth Gambert, company, Austrian
- Sebastien Godinot, civil society, French
- Filip Gregor, civil society, Czech
- Imre Guba, user, Hungarian
- Albert Hasselmeyer, company, German
- Nancy Kamp-Roelands, accountancy profession, Dutch
- Esko Antero Kivisaari, financial services, Finnish
- Arlene McCarthy, other stakeholders, Irish
- Flavia Micilotta, user, Italian
- J.Jason Mitchell, user, British
- Linda Nielsen, academic, Danish
- Steven Marcus Tebbe, civil society, German
The European Lab Steering Group will be responsible for setting the agenda of the European Lab, appointing the members of the European Lab@EFRAG’s project task forces, monitoring project implementation, promoting the European Lab@EFRAG and mobilising networks. It will meet for the first time on 27 November 2018.
Alain Deckers, Vice Chairman of the European Lab Steering Group and European Commission representative, added that, “the European Lab@EFRAG is taking shape! We look forward to seeing how the latest corporate reporting ideas can contribute to our shared sustainable finance ambition.”
To mark the launch of the European Lab@EFRAG there will be a networking reception on 27 November from 17:30 in the EFRAG building in Brussels with welcome addresses by Elina Melngaile, member of cabinet of European Commission Vice-President Dombrovskis, and Jean-Paul Gauzès.