In 1997, the International Corporate Environmental Reporting website ( was founded by Folkert van der Molen (Van der Molen Environmental Internet Services). Environmental reporting came up strongly around the world, sustainability reporting did not exist yet. This website brought as worldwide the first actual news and gave references to numerous sources, manuals etcetera.
Late 90s the trend came to sustainability reporting (notably through the initiatives of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) with their global guidelines), the site also followed these new developments. The site brought both Dutch and international news english news. The website enjoyed a huge international interest. Repeatedly the founder of the website was visited by professionals from countries considering to introduce legislation to establish mandatory reporting (eg from Japan and South Korea). Thanks to this website GRI came into view of The Netherlands and vice versa. Boosted by a successful lobbying of the founder Folkert van der Molen among others, the international secretariat of the GRI came over in 2002 to The Netherlands (Amsterdam).
In March 2015 the news database of the website was transferred to two other websites of Van der Molen Environmental Internet Services: www.Sustainability-Reports.Com (this website: international, English language news) and (Dutch news) These websites were set up to be portals for annual reports. The news database with over 1,250 news stories contain the entire history of environmental and sustainability reporting for 18 years (1997-2015) have been transferred and thus preserved via these two websites:
- www.Sustainability-Reports.Com (this website) was founded in June 2002 as ‘The International Portal for Sustainability / CSR reports’ and is the successor of
- was established in February 1999 (until April 2005 under the name as the central point for Dutch environmental reports and later for sustainability / CSR reports.