Leading investors are signalling their support for Integrated Reporting, in a new statement being released to coincide with the Principles for Responsible Investment ‘In Person’ Conference in Berlin today. Twelve leading international investor organizations – representing nearly US$2 trillion assets under management – have been announced as ‘foundation signatories’ to the statement which emphasizes the value of Integrated Reporting and commits to its importance in their capital allocation decisions.
IIRC CEO Richard Howitt told a session on ‘Improving Corporate Reporting Standards’ at the Berlin Conference, “This is further explicit evidence of investor demand for Integrated Reporting, demonstrating how investors believe that integrated thinking in management processes reflected in reporting can drive the development of more sustainable and stable businesses for the longer term.”
Progressive investors from countries leading practice in corporate reporting have confirmed that their investment processes require information on business models, strategy, and the resources on which these rely.
The statement, signed by Aberdeen Standard Investments, achmea, Aegon Investment Management, cbus, Eumedion, Evenlode, Hermes Investment Management, Martin Currie, NN investment partners, PGGM, Triodos Bank and VicSuper is available on the IIRC website.