BSR Releases New Report for the GRI: Reporting on Economic Impacts

Source: BSR, 6 December 2005

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) has released a new report that reviews how well the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Economic Performance Indicators have been applied by 33 companies, including GE, McDonald’s, Novo Nordisk, Shell, Starbucks and Toyota. "Reporting on Economic >>> read more

Environmental Performance Indicators for UK

Source: Trucost, 18 November 2005

New UK regulations require Directors to report on their environmental KPIs and Trucost has helped Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) to produce the Environmental KPI Reporting Guidelines for UK Business. Elliot Morley, Minister of State for Climate >>> read more

Numico publishes first Sustainability Report

Source: Royal Numico, 31 October 2005

Royal Numico N.V. today published its first Sustainability Report, ‘Sustaining Life’. The report is in English and available in print and online. The report provides a balanced assessment of Numico’s economic, environmental and social performance in 2004, following the widely >>> read more

Special websites for Sustainability and Environmental Reporting

Source: , 16 October 2005

<html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <p>[html] </p> <p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/sites_gri.jpg" alt="sites_gri.jpg (20835 bytes)" WIDTH="250" HEIGHT="187"></a><br> <strong><small>The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)<font color="#000000"><img src="images/uk.gif" WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15"></font></small></strong><br> <strong><small><br> </small></strong><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="nachthaltig.gif" WIDTH="236" HEIGHT="170"></a><br> <strong><small>&quot;Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung&quot; of the </small></strong><b>I<font size="2">nstitut für >>> read more

The International Portal for Sustainability Reports

Source: , 14 October 2005

[html]<p>Visit <a href="http://www.Sustainability-Reports.Com" target="_blank">www.Sustainability-Reports.Com</a> to download/order CSR/Sustainability reports of multinationals from all over the world!</p> <p align="center"><a href="http://www.Sustainability-Reports.Com" target="_blank"><img src="" width="272" height="59" alt="sr_logo.gif (4659 bytes)" border="0"></a></p>[/html]

Das Portal für Nachhaltigkeitsberichte

Source: , 14 October 2005

[html] </p> <p>Besuchen Sie&nbsp; <a href="" target="_blank"></a> für das Herunterladen oder Bestellen von deutschen Umwelt-, Sozial-, CSR- und Nachhaltigkeitsberichten..</p> <p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="272" height="59" alt="logo_non-financial-rep.gif (4599 bytes)" border="0"></a></p> <p>[/html]


Source: , 12 October 2005

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