This site has gone live as The International Corporate Environmental Reporting Site in May 1997. Around 1997 there where some sites on the web paying attention to corporate environmental reporting (CER), but there was no overall site for CER where >>> read more
Bannering on this site
Source: , 10 October 2005The International Corporate Sustainability Reporting Site has thousands of visitors. All relevant for your services and products! Placing a banner would be very attractive for you against low costs! Placing a banner (468 x 60 pixels) in rotation, appearing on >>> read more
Join the free E-mail newsletter
Source: , 10 October 2005If you join the E-mail newsletter of this website you will get periodically an e-mail with the latest breaking news in the area of Sustainabilty reporting. Please fill in the form below: [html] <!– Begin MailChimp Signup Form –> <link >>> read more
Source: , 10 October 2005[b]Idea, management & ownership[/b] Folkert van der Molen Van der Molen Environmental Internet Services JF Kennedylaan 74 3931 XL Woudenberg Netherlands phone. +31 6-542 451 89 fax: +31 33- 463 57 13 internet: [url][link][/url] e-mail: [url][link][/url] [b]Website realisation[/b] Haicu webdesign >>> read more
Disclaimer / Terms and conditions
Source: , 10 October 2005[html] <p>Van der Molen Environmental Internet Services (Van der Molen E.I.S.) maintains a site on the Internet located at <a href=""></a>, (the Site), that allows users and members to search and access news stories, gather information, utilize online communications and >>> read more
Sites with links to online reports
Source: , 8 October 2005On the following sites you will find lists of online available CSR/Sustainability and environmental reports with the possibility to click through to view the specific report. <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <p>[html] </p> <table border="2" width="90%" height="555" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td >>> read more
Guidelines and tools for Sustainability reporting
Source: , 8 October 2005Here you find a list of most of the well known guidelines for corporate sustainability and environmental reporting. Many of them are online available. For those which are not, you find the information to get a copy of it. If >>> read more
Articles, research papers and report abstracts (English)
Source: , 8 October 2005English articles, research papers and report abstracts in the area of Sustainability and Environmental reporting. [html] <ul> <li>Publications of the UNEP Industry Outreach/Sustainability program "Engaging Stakeholders" for corporate environmental reporting:<br> The executive summaries of the reports in PDF-format <font color="#000000"><img >>> read more
Articles, research papers and report abstracts (Dutch)
Source: , 8 October 2005Dutch articles, research papers and report abstracts in the area of Sustainability and Environmental reporting. [html] <ul> <li><a href="">Scriptie "De invloed van het Global Reporting Initiative op het institutionele veranderingsproces in duurzaamheidsverslaggeving", Marieke Pouwels, december 2005</a><img src="images/nl.gif" WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15"><img border="0" >>> read more
Articles, research papers and report abstracts (German)
Source: , 8 October 2005German articles, research papers and report abstracts in the area of Sustainability and Environmental Reporting. [html] <ul> <li><a href="">Zusammenfassung buch "Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung Schweizer Unternehmen 2002", Claus-Heinrich Daub e.a, Institute for Sustainable Management, July 2003</a><img src="images/d.gif" width="15" height="15"><font color="#000000"><img border="0" src="images/pdficon.gif" WIDTH="15" >>> read more
More CSR disclosure by the Largest Listed Companies in Eleven CEE Countries
Source: Partners for Financial Stability (PFS) Program, 5 October 2005The Partners for Financial Stability (PFS) Program published its fifth semi-annual Survey of Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by the Ten Largest Listed Companies (by market capitalization) in 11 Central and Eastern European (CEE) Countries. Companies in Czech Republic, >>> read more
Ceres-ACCA Seek Nominations for North American Sustainability Reporting Awards
Source: CERES, 28 September 2005Ceres, a U.S-based coalition of investor and environmental groups, and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in Canada, are seeking submissions for the 2005 Ceres-ACCA North American Awards for Sustainability Reporting. Application Deadline is Nov. 4, 2005 The awards >>> read more