A news update from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Technical Experts appointed to the TAC 1/25/2005 The final piece of GRI’s governance structure is ready to become operational, as the process of confirming members for the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) >>> read more
More than ‘good’ numbers: Measuring the value that social responsibility adds
Source: CBS Market Watch, 20 January 2005More companies are choosing to hold out their records on everything from labor issues to their use of environmentally correct products. This may have an affect on their bottom lines, but it’s also begging a new financial reporting standard that >>> read more
18 Sustainability reports make short list for Ceres – ACCA reporting awards
Source: CERES, 8 January 2005Ceres and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) today announced the shortlist of 18 reports for the Ceres-ACCA North American Sustainability Reporting Awards 2004 program, out of 66 applications received from US and Canadian companies. The 18 reports are >>> read more
Report: 50% More CEOs Report on Corporate Social Responsibilities in 2004
Source: GreenBiz.Com, 7 January 2005A new survey by andBEYOND Communications shows that 50% more CEOs heeded this warning in 2004. The New York-based investor relations firm analyzed the letters to shareholders in annual reports published from 1999 to 2004 to see how CEOs described >>> read more
Calvert First SRI Firm to Issue Global Reporting Initiative-Based Sustainability Report
Source: Calvert Group, 6 January 2005Calvert, the nations largest family of socially responsible mutual funds, today published its first Sustainability Report using Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. The 50-page report detailing Calverts economic, social and environmental performance is available on the firms website. For years, >>> read more
Sustainability pays off WBCSD members outperform global benchmarks
Source: WBCSD, 4 January 2005In an update of the 2003 study "Sustainable Development Pays Off" , Kommunalkredit Dexia, an Austrian Asset Management company, confirms that WBCSD members enjoy high investor confidence. The study ( 368 kb) analyzed the performance of the 141 WBCSD members >>> read more
New UNEP/Sustainability report: Risk & Opportunity: Best Practice in Non-Financial Reporting
Source: Sustainability/UNEP, 3 November 2004Boards are failing to disclose to financial investors how environmental and social issues pose strategic risks and opportunities for their businesses, according to an international review of corporate sustainability reports by SustainAbility, the United Nations Environment Programme and Standard & >>> read more
Moskowitz Prize Study Removes Doubt Over Link Between Strong Corporate Social and Financial Performance
Source: Institutionalshareowner.Com, 1 November 2004The study analyzes over 50 published studies on corporate social performance and corporate financial performance, and finds an unambiguous positive relationship. "Can business meet new social, environmental, and financial expectations and still win?" Business Week posed this question in 1999, >>> read more
US Study Finds Sustainability a ‘High Priority’ for Employees
Source: GreenBiz.Com, 1 November 2004The most recent Steelcase Workplace Index Survey conducted by Opinion Research Corporation provides a glimpse at environmental perceptions in the workplace. Through this survey of over 675 office workers in the United States, Steelcase, a global office environments manufacturer whose >>> read more
GRI seeks participants for new Guidelines innovation process
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 28 October 2004Recruitment is now open for two new work streams being launched which will feature working groups looking at the clarity and purpose of the indicators (IWG), and at reporting as a process (RPWG). Starting immediately, sign-up forms are available on >>> read more
European Conference on CSR, Competing for a sustainable future, 7-9 november, MECC, Maastricht
Source: Dutch Ministery for Economic Affairs, 28 October 2004During its EU presidency, the Dutch Government will organise the European Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), entitled Competing for a Sustainable Future in Maastricht, the Netherlands, 7-9 November 2004. The conference is hosted by Minister for Foreign Trade Karien >>> read more
A partnership for a clean, clever and competitive Europe
Source: Dutch Ministery for the Environment, 28 October 2004Dutch state secretary Pieter Van Geel proposed a partnership with the WBCSD for a clean, clever and competitive Europe, before an audience of Chief Executive Officers from 70 multinational companies gathered in Amsterdam. Mr Van Geel said the partnership would >>> read more