ISO published the new work item proposal on CSR

Source: ISO, 21 October 2004

ISO has now published on its website the new work item proposal on social responsibility. The basic process that is in place is as follows: (1) So far, there has been an ISO Social Responsibility Advisory Group report and recommendations >>> read more

Where sustainability means survival

Source: Financial Times, 15 October 2004

Mike Scott finds the banking sector embarking on a series of initiatives to show how seriously it takes the impact of projects on the environment When it comes to unsustainable businesses, the financial services sector used to consider itself pretty >>> read more

GEMI Releases New Corporate Transparency Tool

Source: GEMI, 4 October 2004

The Global Environmental Management Initiative has released a new tool been designed to provide approaches that a company may consider as it addresses transparency-related challenges and opportunities. Transparency: A Path to Public Trust" consists of a six-step process designed to >>> read more