NetVote, marktleider in Nederland op het gebied van elektronisch stemmen bij aandeelhoudersvergaderingen, introduceert dit jaar internet proxy voting. Deze uitbreiding op het reeds bestaande stemsysteem maakt het voor aandeelhouders mogelijk om via internet steminstructies af te geven. Bezoek van de >>> read more
Uniting to make reporting clearer
Source: Financial Times, 19 August 2004(Published in The Financial Times of August 18, 2004). Your article "Exchange acts to end burden of governance" (, August 16) illustrates that, even though fatigued and reticent, companies feel compelled to respond to the growing number of ad-hoc surveys >>> read more
Corporate reporting on CSR should be more rigorous
Source: Financial Times, 19 August 2004(Published in The Financial Times of August 18, 2004). Sir, It is encouraging to see the London Stock Exchange becoming involved in corporate social responsibility matters, with its new online disclosure tool, the Corporate Responsibility Exchange ("Exchange acts to end >>> read more
Nordic companies outperform European on sustainability
Source: GES Investment Services, 18 August 2004In four out of ten industry sectors, Nordic companies perform better on environment, human rights and corporate governance than their European competitors, according to a new study from GES Investment Services. But overall, British companies are outstanding. The study serve >>> read more
New report: CSR and safety and health at work
Source: The European Agency for safety and health at work, 17 August 2004Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as been defined by the European Commission as the integration by companies of social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. The European Agency for >>> read more
GRI asks for comments on the Public Agency Sector Supplement
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 12 August 2004Interest in sustainability reporting by the public sector has been growing rapidly. Agencies on every tier of government have started down the road to better transparency and reporting on their sustainability impacts, just as the general public has started to >>> read more
Users guide to synergies between OECD Guidelines and GRI Guidelines now available
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 12 August 2004The OECD Guidelines recommend principles and standards for multinational enterprises, but they do not prescribe precise ways in which to measure and report actual behaviour. Where complementarities exist, the GRI indicators can be used to help measure and report on >>> read more
Corporate Responsibility Initiatives Hit Limits
Source: Sustainability, 4 August 2004Gearing Up, a new SustainAbility report launched on 24 June in New York at the United Nations Global Compact Leaders Summit, concludes that despite achieving impressive momentum the corporate responsibility (CR) movement is bumping up against real limits. Some responsible >>> read more
Australia: More companies producing CSR reports
Source: Business Respect, 29 July 2004More Australian companies are producing sustainability or CSR reports, according to a new study by the Department of the Environment and Heritage and others. Of 509 companies surveyed, 116 has a publicly available report. The survey, ‘The State of Sustainability >>> read more
Reservations over sustainability reports in Australia
Source: Australian Financial Review, 29 July 2004(Published in the Australian Financial Review, 14 July 2004). The number of Australian companies producing sustainability reports rose by around 27 per cent over the past year, according to a new study to be released today. But the Australian Shareholders’ >>> read more
GRI prepares it’s own sustainability report: have your say today!
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 29 July 2004What you would like to see in GRI’s first sustainability report? As a member of GRI’s international network you are an important stakeholder in the organisation. We value your thoughts on the general parameters we have set for the report >>> read more
CSR Stakeholder Forum marked by disagreement
Source: Euractiv, 29 July 2004Business and NGOs clash on conclusions of final report of Multi Stakeholder Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility. Two weeks after the final plenary meeting of the Multi Stakeholder Forum on CSR, there is still no full agreement on the final >>> read more