Australia: More companies producing CSR reports

Source: Business Respect, 29 July 2004

More Australian companies are producing sustainability or CSR reports, according to a new study by the Department of the Environment and Heritage and others. Of 509 companies surveyed, 116 has a publicly available report. The survey, ‘The State of Sustainability >>> read more

CSR Stakeholder Forum marked by disagreement

Source: Euractiv, 29 July 2004

Business and NGOs clash on conclusions of final report of Multi Stakeholder Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility. Two weeks after the final plenary meeting of the Multi Stakeholder Forum on CSR, there is still no full agreement on the final >>> read more

ISO to go ahead with guidelines for social responsibility

Source: ISO, 1 July 2004

ISO is to develop an International Standard for social responsibility. The objective is to produce "a guidance document, written in plain language which is understandable and usable by non-specialists" and not intended for use in certification. The decision was taken >>> read more

Daimler Chrysler presenteert milieurapport 2004

Source: AutoZine, 24 June 2004

DaimlerChrysler heeft het afgelopen jaar ca. 1,8 miljard euro geinvesteerd in de bescherming van het milieu. Dit blijkt uit het milieujaarverslag dat de onderneming in Berlijn heeft gepresenteerd. Het grootste deel van dit bedrag werd besteed aan het onderzoek naar >>> read more

New AA1000 Assurance Standard Practitioners Note released

Source: AccountAbility, 24 June 2004

AccountAbility is pleased to announce the release of the latest AA1000 Assurance Standard Practitioners Note. This Practitioners Note was produced from a consultation with representatives from companies, assurance providers, non-governmental organisations, and government in Johannesburg, South Africa. AccountAbility has been >>> read more