The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) today welcomed the release by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) of the report on social responsibility prepared by its multi-stakeholder Advisory Group on Social Responsibility (SR) . The report responds to a mandate from >>> read more
Second Semi-Annual Survey of Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by the Largest Listed Companies in Central and Eastern Europe
Source: East-West Management Institute (EWMI), 10 May 2004The PFS Program publishes its second semi-annual Survey of Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by the 10 Largest Listed Companies (by Market Capitalization) in Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. The survey was conducted by >>> read more
Water sector scoops the pool in ACCA’S 2003 Sustainability Reporting Awards
Source: ACCA, 10 May 2004The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has announced that City West Water, Sydney Water and Watercare have been jointly awarded the best sustainability report award in this year’s ACCA Australia and New Zealand Sustainability Reporting Awards, sponsored by KPMG. >>> read more
WBCSD sponsors international sustainability award
Source: WBCSD, 10 May 2004The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a new sponsor to the Sustainability Leadership Award. The award, launched in 2001 by Sustainability Asset Management (SAM) and the Sustainable Performance Group (SPG), honors extraordinary leadership by individuals working within >>> read more
WBCSD, WRI launch new edition of Corporate GHG Reporting Standard
Source: WBCSD, 10 May 2004The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and World Resources Institute (WRI) today released a new edition of the international standard used worldwide by businesses to report and set targets for their greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). The Greenhouse Gas >>> read more
People do read CSR reports!
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 8 May 2004A recent international survey by GlobeScan Inc. (formerly Environics International) reveals that consumers in North America, Europe, and Australia are consulting corporate social and environmental reports more commonly than originally thought. Knowledge of a companys social report also appears to >>> read more
Thirteen Pension Leaders Call on SEC Chairman to Require Global Warming Risks in Corporate Disclosure
Source: CERES, 21 April 2004Thirteen major public pension fund leaders – including eight state treasurers and comptrollers, four labor pension fund leaders, and the New York City Comptroller, collectively managing assets of nearly $800 billion- today called on the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission >>> read more
Suncor Energy Receives Best Sustainability Report Award
Source: Ceres, 21 April 2004The CERES-ACCA North American Sustainability Reporting Awards hosted its second annual awards ceremony in Boston, Massachusetts today. Suncor Energy Inc. won the "Best Sustainability Report" award, beating 31 other leading sustainability reporters across North America. This award recognizes Suncors commitment >>> read more
SRI World Group Unveils OneReport, Revolutionizing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Process
Source: SRI World Group, 20 April 2004SRI World Group, Inc., a leading provider of social investment and corporate responsibility information services, today announced the launch of OneReport ( This new global electronic reporting network enables companies to more efficiently report their social, environmental, economic and corporate >>> read more
Oekom Rates Food and Beverages Industry Average in Sustainability Performance
Source: Oekom Research, 19 April 2004The global food and beverages industry has merely average performance on social and environmental sustainability, according to the latest corporate responsibility industry report released by Oekom Research, a Munich-based sustainability rating firm. The 16 companies that qualified for comprehensive "Inside" >>> read more
GRI completes most intensive engagement since 2002 Guidelines development process
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 15 April 2004420 individiuals from across the globe contributed their voices to the recently concluded Structured Feedback Process (SFP). In an effort to gain feedback on many aspects of the 2002 Guidelines from a diverse array of stakeholders in all global regions >>> read more
Innovest releases another sector report correlating progressive social, environmental, and governance practices and policies with financial outperformance.
Source: SocialFunds.Com, 13 April 2004Once again, Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, a global socially responsible investment (SRI) research firm, has produced a report demonstrating the financial value of environmental, social, and corporate governance best practice. The most recent report, released earlier this week, assesses 26 >>> read more