March 2004 Update of GRI

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 23 March 2004

The March 2004 Update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Attention software developers: GRI issues RFP There is wide recognition that software-based reporting tools could offer an important ‘win/win’ contribution to sustainability reporting. Such tools have significant potential to facilitate >>> read more

Corporate Governance verslaat MVO"

Source: FinancialsOnly, 9 March 2004

Voor de gemiddelde belegger is corporate governance een veel belangrijker thema dan maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (MVO). Optieregelingen voor topbestuurders, de benoeming van commissarissen en het stemrecht van aandeelhouders wegen in de beleggingsstrategie veel zwaarder mee dan het beleid van een >>> read more

UN group to measure companies’ social virtues

Source: Financial Times, 3 March 2004

The United Nations Global Compact, a voluntary grouping of companies and pressure groups that promotes corporate social responsibility, is preparing its first in-depth study of whether the initiative is having any measurable impact on businesses. The exercise comes as analysts >>> read more

Global accountancy body awards UK voluntary reporters

Source: ACCA, 1 March 2004

The British Library was today host to the ACCA UK awards for Sustainability Reporting, where eleven organisations were rewarded for reporting on the social and environmental impacts of their activities. NHS Purchasing & Supply, the Co-operative Bank plc and Royal >>> read more

February 2003 Update of GRI

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 27 February 2004

The February 2003 Update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Attention software developers: GRI issues RFP 13 February 2004 There is wide recognition that software-based reporting tools could offer an important ‘win/win’ contribution to sustainability reporting. Such tools have significant >>> read more