Shareholders may deploy a powerful new weapon against companies that fail to disclose the social, ethical and environmental risks to their business by refusing to endorse the company report and accounts, a leading investor lobby group warned yesterday. The Association >>> read more
Strategic assessment of SRI rating and research organisations shows major challenges facing the industry
Source: Sustainability, 24 February 2004A study predicts that specialised research organisations providing data for sustainable and socially-responsible investment (SRI) face major challenges, particularly in their attempts to attract interest from mainstream investors. The study also urges leading investors and asset managers to take a >>> read more
New corporate governance principles highlight links with CSR
Source: Euractiv, 24 February 2004A new initiative offers guidance for listed companies on how to achieve good corporate governance. It comes against a backdrop of major corporate scandals such as at the Italian food giant Parmalat and the Dutch retailer Ahold. New corporate governance >>> read more
Commission and EEA make public extensive information about industrial pollution in your neighbourhood
Source: EU-EPER, 24 February 2004Today the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA) launched the European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER), the first Europe-wide register of industrial emissions into air and water. For the first time, detailed information on pollution from around 10,000 large >>> read more
CSR and corporate governance: two sides of the same coin?
Source: Euractiv, 20 February 2004Representatives of the Commission, business community and academia have been debating differences and points of convergence between the concepts of corporate governance and CSR. Corporate ethics has entered the limelight in the past few years as a result of a >>> read more
Need for sustainability reporting highlighted by ACCA awards
Source: ACCA, 18 February 2004While calls from MPs to make social and environmental reporting mandatory have not yet been answered by the government, ACCA will be rewarding some of those organisations that have engaged in voluntary reporting at the annual ACCA UK Awards for >>> read more
The road to pinpointing corporations that care
Source: Japan Times, 12 February 2004When it comes to sex, drugs and rock’n’roll, the media never tire of airing dirty laundry. Unfortunately, this prevents serious coverage of truly obscene stories, such as the everyday corporate malfeasance that is undermining society’s triple bottom line of economic, >>> read more
Study: Corporations primarily seek well-enforced CSR laws when considering new investments
Source: Euractiv, 10 February 2004A survey, entitled "Race to the Top: Attracting and Enabling Global Sustainable Business", has found that sixty-one per cent of respondents (executives of multinational enterprises) were seeking strong laws on CSR when seeking partners, which are rigorously enforced to create >>> read more
ISO to hold international conference on social responsibility of organizations
Source: ISO, 6 February 2004ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is to hold an international conference on the social responsibility of organizations on 21-22 June 2004 in Stockholm, Sweden. The input provided by the conference will complement the current exploration by ISO of social responsibility >>> read more
New report highlights benefits of NGO partnerships for companies
Source: The Nordic Partnership, 3 February 2004A new report from the Nordic Partnership takes the temperature of business/NGO partnerships in the Nordic region one year after the 2002 Johannesburg Summit. The report, A New Era of Nordic Partnerships for Sustainability? finds that many Nordic organisations are >>> read more
January 2004 update of the GRI
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 29 January 2004January 2004 update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Diverse range of organisations show their support for GRI Oxfam International recently demonstrated its support for GRI’s mission by registering as an Organisational Stakeholder (OS). Over the last month GRI has >>> read more
Study Reveals CSR a Major Factor in Overseas Investment and Purchasing
Source: SocialFunds.Com, 27 January 2004Corporate social responsibility is increasingly influencing where and with whom major multinational corporations do business. That is the conclusion of Race to the Top, a new study prepared for the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. The project was >>> read more