The Mining Certification Evaluation Project has released its first working paper exploring whether independent third party certification of environmental, social and economic performance of mine sites could be feasible. This research project aims to evaluate whether independent, third-party certification could >>> read more
A new approach to assurance, which includes stakeholders
Source: JustAssurance, 12 December 2003A different approach to social, environmental and sustainability assurance is now available, based on stakeholder-inclusion and materiality of issues. Developed by justassurance, a newly formed social enterprise of experienced assurance practitioners and thought leaders, this new approach consults with and >>> read more
Responsible Competitiveness Index 2002 announced
Source: AccountAbility, 11 December 2003How a nation deals with social and environmental issues has a direct impact on its national economic competitiveness and growth prospects. Nations that fail to address Corporate Responsibility issues expose businesses to potential costs such as those associated with corruption >>> read more
New survey of Canadian sustainability Reports
Source: Stratos, 11 December 2003On December 8th, Stratos Inc. released the second national survey of corporate sustainability reporting practices in Canada. The report, titled Building Confidence: Corporate Sustainability Reporting in Canada, presents the results of an in-depth examination and assessment of corproate sustainability reporting >>> read more
German research: Sustainable management is key to long-term success
Source: Handelsblatt, 10 December 2003Over half of all companies listed in the German DAX-30 index view sustainable business practices as "key to the long-term success of the company", according to a recent survey by Susanne Bergius, Sustainability Expert of the Handelsblatt. Among the companies >>> read more
Air France wins 2003 Prize for best Environmental Report
Source: AirFrance, 8 December 2003The jury of the fourth edition of the "Trophée de l’Ordre des Experts-Comptables", which this year is rewarding the quality of published environmental and social information, has chosen Air France to receive the 2003 Prize for the Best Environmental Report. >>> read more
Morgan Stanley Study Correlates Sustainability with Financial Outperformance
Source:, 8 December 2003The business case for sustainability investment is gaining momentum and moving into the mainstream. Earlier this week, Oekom Research, a Munich-based sustainability rating firm, released a study jointly conducted with Morgan Stanley Dean Witter (ticker: MWD) that finds market outperformance >>> read more
Corus Staal, Nutreco en SNB winnaars ACC Awards
Source: NIVRA/VMA, 5 December 2003Slibverwerking Noord-Brabant (SNB), Nutreco en Corus Staal ontvingen gisteren de Accountancy Awards (ACC Award). De prijzen werden overhandigd door staatssecretaris Karien van Gennip van het ministerie van Economische Zaken. De Accountancy Award is een door de Vereniging van Milieu-Accountancy (VMA) >>> read more
97% of Business Leaders Believe Damaged Corporate Reputations Can Be Restored
Source: Burson-Marseller, 3 December 2003An overwhelming majority of business influencers remain confident that companies can restore a damaged reputation, according to new research by global communications consultancy Burson-Marsteller. The 2003 Building CEO Capital study reveals that 97 percent of business influencers believe a company >>> read more
Debate: International framework needed for CSR efforts of multinational companies
Source:, 2 December 2003A one-day conference on globalisation organised by the Humanitarian Affairs Review focused on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of multinational companies when investing in developing countries. Background: "Getting down to detail in the globalisation debate" was the title of a >>> read more
HIV/AIDS Reporting Framework Released
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 18 November 2003Key performance indicators for HIV/AIDS reporting by all organisations were released today by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) at an event hosted by the South African Human Rights Commission. Standardised HIV/AIDS public reporting is an essential element of the global >>> read more
GRI News Update November 2003
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 18 November 2003The November 2003 Update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). HIV/AIDS resource document released today in South Africa JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA Key performance indicators for HIV/AIDS reporting by all organisations were released today at an event hosted by the South >>> read more