Corus Staal, Nutreco en SNB winnaars ACC Awards

Source: NIVRA/VMA, 5 December 2003

Slibverwerking Noord-Brabant (SNB), Nutreco en Corus Staal ontvingen gisteren de Accountancy Awards (ACC Award). De prijzen werden overhandigd door staatssecretaris Karien van Gennip van het ministerie van Economische Zaken. De Accountancy Award is een door de Vereniging van Milieu-Accountancy (VMA) >>> read more

HIV/AIDS Reporting Framework Released

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 18 November 2003

Key performance indicators for HIV/AIDS reporting by all organisations were released today by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) at an event hosted by the South African Human Rights Commission. Standardised HIV/AIDS public reporting is an essential element of the global >>> read more

GRI News Update November 2003

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 18 November 2003

The November 2003 Update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). HIV/AIDS resource document released today in South Africa JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA Key performance indicators for HIV/AIDS reporting by all organisations were released today at an event hosted by the South >>> read more

The missing link: SMEs and sustainable development

Source: WBCSD, 18 November 2003

Big business may be catching the sustainable development bug, but small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) are resistant to the business case. What can be done to make sustainability more inclusive? A new WBCSD discussion paper explores the issues. Theres >>> read more

Speech Anna Diamantopoulou (EU Commissioner) about CSR

Source: EU, 17 November 2003

Anna Diamantopoulou European Commissioner responsible for Employment and Social Affairs The role of public policies in promoting CSR Address at the Presidency Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility Venice, 14 novembre, 2003 Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to open >>> read more