Update of ISO developments in the field of CSR

Source: ISO, 7 October 2003

A number of developments relevant to CSR have happened at the ISO level over the past few months: (1) the ISO Advisory Group on Corporate Social Responsibility has met, and worked out a process for selecting a service provider to >>> read more

October 2003 GRI update

Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 3 October 2003

The October 2003 update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Contents: * Quote of the month * Japan tops reporter league table – 60! * Dutch government funds work on boundaries * New Interact Forum topic: Boundaries * Interact Forum: >>> read more

Financial Community Still Sceptical of CSR

Source: Echo Research, 30 September 2003

Echo Research, global specialists in reputation audit and analysis, today reveals the findings of its third international corporate social responsibility (CSR) report – ‘CSR and The Financial Community – Friends or Foes?’ Via a mix of face-to-face interviews with financial >>> read more

CCBE publishes guidelines for European lawyers on CSR

Source: CCBE, 9 September 2003

CCBE, representing the lawyers of Europe, encourages the practitioners of the legal profession to increasingly take on an advisory role on CSR issues. The guidelines, which have been compiled by a working-group of experts from Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy >>> read more

August 2003 Update of GRI

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 5 September 2003

The August 2003 update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Subjects: * Quote of the Month * GRI Achieves 300 Reporter Target * GRI Business Plan: Goals for 2003-2005 * GRI Chief Executive Responds to UN Sub-Commission ‘Norms’ * 130 >>> read more