GRI, the international leader in sustainability standards setting, has announced the appointment of Eelco van der Enden as CEO. Starting 1 January 2022, Eelco will join GRI from multinational professional services network PwC, where he is Global ESG Platform Leader >>> read more
Call for a unified approach to Sustainability Reporting
Source: , 25 October 202156 organizations representing over EUR 8.5 trillion in assets and employing over 5 million people address the European Union’s institutions today in an open letter to call on regulators to align upcoming European sustainability reporting standards with globally consistent and comparable performance metrics >>> read more
EcoAct’s 2021 climate rankings have just been published
Source: EcoAct, 25 October 2021EcoAct published their latest edition of the Climate Reporting and Performance of the DOW 30, EURO STOXX 50 and FTSE 100 research report. As we approach COP26 and with less than 10 years to act on climate change, the report >>> read more
New edition of Reporting Matters highlights key role corporate transparency plays in addressing pressing global challenges
Source: , 21 October 2021According to a new report launched today by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), reporting and accountability are more important than ever as businesses strengthen their sustainability commitments through WBCSD’s updated membership conditions. The findings are included in the ninth >>> read more
Fourth TCFD Status Report Highlights Greatest Progress to Date on TCFD Adoption
Source: TCFD, 18 October 2021The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), published its 2021 Status Report. After reviewing over 1,650 companies’ reports, from 69 countries and jurisdictions in eight industries, the Task Force found that disclosure in >>> read more
Let’s put sustainability back into the sustainability reporting debate
Source: , 12 October 2021The talk about the ‘alphabet soup’ of reporting frameworks and standards might have died down, but the problem has not gone away. At this point the involvement of the IFRS Foundation, ‘overwhelmingly’ welcomed by the private sector (in response to >>> read more
New EFRAG Report provides best practices on Business Model, Risks and Opportunities Reporting in the EU’
Source: EFRAG, 5 October 2021The European Lab@EFRAG Project Task Force on the reporting of non-financial risks and opportunities and linkage to the business model (PTF RNFRO) is pleased to issue its Report: ‘Towards Sustainable Businesses: Good Practices in Business Model, Risks and Opportunities Reporting in >>> read more
Major update to GRI Standards raises bar for human rights reporting
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 5 October 2021The GRI Standards have today been strengthened so they deliver the highest level of transparency for impacts on the economy, environment and people, with a major update to the very foundation of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting standards. >>> read more
Pandemic raises stakes for success of the SDGs – with private sector crucial
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 23 September 2021In this Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we hear much about how organizations, countries and individuals are stepping up their efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda. Despite this, the reality is that the pace of action >>> read more
Over 50 Companies Reporting on Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics as International Support Grows
Source: World Economic Forum, 21 September 2021The World Economic Forum announces today the continued growth of the coalition of companies supporting the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics initiative. Since January 2020-2021, over 100 companies have shown support for this initiative with over 50 already including the metrics in >>> read more
Transition to integrated reporting: A guide to getting started
Source: The Value Reporting Foundation, 20 September 2021The Value Reporting Foundation today publishes Transition to integrated reporting: A Guide to getting started to help report preparers develop a custom-fit transition plan to integrated reporting. The Guide is a companion to the <IR> Framework, the principles-based, multi-capital framework used to accelerate integrated >>> read more
New podcast series by GRI dives beneath the surface of SDG reporting
Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 26 August 2021With the crucial ‘Decade of Action’ for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) already underway, how can companies look beyond the processes and paperwork, fully understanding the ways their impacts and actions help or hinder the progress of the SDGs? SDGs: >>> read more