The Nordic Partnership has released the first findings from the project, Rules of the Game Sustainable Supply Chain Management. The paper, No Writing on the Wall examines some of the dilemmas and barriers to sustainable supply chain management, based on >>> read more
Giant gap in communication between SRI Investors and companies
Source: Arthur D. Little (UK), 15 August 2003Investors and companies are still not having a meaningful dialogue about the business value of Corporate Responsibility (CR), according to research published. The research report ‘Speaking the Same Language’ was commissioned by Business in the Community and the UK Social >>> read more
The largest ever study into the environmental behaviour of smaller UK businesses
Source: UK Environmental Agency, 13 August 2003The largest ever study into the environmental behaviour of smaller UK businesses reveals that the nations smallest firms are failing to take action to protect the environment. The SME-nvironment 2003 survey of more than 8,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) >>> read more
Sustainability rating gives thumbs up to eleven oil & gas companies
Source: Oekom, 8 August 2003Eleven global players in the oil and gas industry meet sustainable investment criteria. This was the finding of Munich-based rating agency oekom research, which used social and environmental criteria to evaluate 26 oil and gas companies. Suncor Energy (CA) and >>> read more
Mandatory CSR reporting would only encourage "box-ticking", says new report
Source: Tomorrow's Company, 4 August 2003A new publication warns: the majority of companies are merely stating their compliance with the expectations of society as opposed to communicating a clear sense of values. Tomorrow’s Company, an independent business-led UK think tank, identifies two paths for CSR. >>> read more
Speech Liikanen "Public Policy and Corporate Social Responsibility"
Source: EU, 4 August 2003Speech "Public Policy and Corporate Social Responsibility" by Mr Erkki Liikanen, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Enterprise and the Information Society. Introduction Thank you for inviting me to speak to you at today’s seminar on the theme of >>> read more
GRI News Update July 2003
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 18 July 2003Update from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). * GRI Adopts New Business Plan * Stakeholder Council: In Session! * ICGN/GRI Panel: Reporting as an Important Element of Good Governance * Structured Feedback Process Launched * Have Your Say: Web Forum >>> read more
Responsible Business Attracts the Best People – and Keeping Them Improves the Bottom Line
Source: Business in the Community, 10 July 2003Research published today (Thursday, July 10) amongst 1,000 employees across Britain shows that they see a clear connection between responsible business practice and positive impact on the bottom line. It found that responsible practice can help to attract, motivate and >>> read more
BT reaches new AA1000 assurance standard for non-financial reporting
Source: BT, 4 July 2003BT today published its new social and environmental report and becomes the largest company yet to apply the new AA1000 Assurance Standard for sustainability reporting. Launched in March this year, the AA1000 Assurance Standard is designed to assure the credibility >>> read more
GRI announces launch of the Structured Feedback Process for the 2002 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 3 July 2003The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) invites all interested stakeholders to participate in an essential first step toward the improvement and revision of the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. About the SFP From the outset, GRI has committed itself to being a learning >>> read more
AccountAbility Proposes Robust Materiality for Social and Environmental Disclosure
Source: AccountAbility, 1 July 2003AccountAbility, the leading professional body promoting accountability standards for sustainable development, today releases its report, Redefining Materiality: Practice and Public Policy for Effective Corporate Reporting. Redefining Materiality proposes a new approach to defining materiality in corporate reporting. It is particularly >>> read more
Supreme court gives green light to Kasky vs. Nike
Source: Ethical Corporation, 30 June 2003Supreme Court dismissed an appeal Thursday by Nike in the Marc Kasky lawsuit. The lawsuit brought by the social activist alleges that the companys public statements on its overseas labour practices violated a California false advertising law. Nike had appealed >>> read more