Philips launched first Sustainability Report

Source: Philips, 28 March 2003

Royal Philips Electronics launched the company’s first annual Sustainability Report, adding detailed accountability for economic and social responsibility to its former Environmental Report. The reporting initiative is in line with the steps taken in recent years to increase transparency and >>> read more

ACCA UK Sustainability Awards winners announced at ceremony

Source: ACCA, 24 March 2003

At a ceremony in the British Library this morning, 12 organisations received awards at the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) UK Awards for Sustainability Reporting. The winning organisations received their awards from the Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher MP, Minister >>> read more

Accountants call for ASIC guidelines to follow GRI

Source: Ethical Investor, 5 March 2003

The international accounting body, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), has called for ASIC to issue guidelines on SRI modelled on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). ACCA has been actively encouraging environmental reporting for the last 12 years and >>> read more