Accountants call for ASIC guidelines to follow GRI

Source: Ethical Investor, 5 March 2003

The international accounting body, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), has called for ASIC to issue guidelines on SRI modelled on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). ACCA has been actively encouraging environmental reporting for the last 12 years and >>> read more

ISO recommended to launch work on social responsibility

Source: ISO, 20 February 2003

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) should launch work addressing the social responsibility of organizations, according to an international advisory group including representatives of business,government regulators, trade unions and consumers. The group recommends ISO to: – firstly, develop a technical report >>> read more

Corporate lobbying will become a key business risk in 2003

Source: LifeWorth, 19 February 2003

The progressive careers agency,, released their Annual Review of Corporate Responsibility, The Review describes a growing interest and concern about the relationship between corporations and governments Lobbying by companies and their trade associations against social and environmental regulations or >>> read more

FEE: rapport over maatschappelijke verslaggeving

Source: Nivra, 6 February 2003

FEE publiceert vandaag een rapport over maatschappelijke verlaggeving, Benefits of Sustainability Assurance. Hierin wordt benadrukt dat het verschaffen van zekerheid met betrekking tot maatschappelijke verslaggeving in de toekomst essentieel is om de geloofwaardigheid te bewaren. Het huidige vrijwillige karakter van >>> read more