Update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), december 2002. Contents: > First Convening of Stakeholder Council Members > Launch of GRI Forum Japan > Reminder – 3rd International GRI Symposium in July 2003 > New Website in January > More >>> read more
Electrabel Tihange en Indaver beste Belgische verslagen
Source: Instituut der Bedrijfsrevisoren (I.B.R.), 19 December 2002De Belgische jury heeft beslist als winnaars van het jaar 2002 te verkiezen voor de beste milieu- en duurzaamheidsverslagen: Voor de categorie milieuverslag wordt ELECTRABEL TIHANGE benoemd en INDAVER krijgt de beloning van de categorie rapport duurzaam ondernemen. Beoordeling van >>> read more
NIVRA: "Maatschappelijke verslaggeving nog niet volwassen"
Source: NIVRA, 18 December 2002Vandaag publiceert het Koninklijk NIVRA een onderzoek waarin 50 maatschappelijke jaarverslagen van ondernemingen wereldwijd, die kunnen worden beschouwd als voorloper op dit gebied, worden vergeleken en voorzien van commentaar. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat maatschappelijke verslaggeving in belang toeneemt, maar >>> read more
ACCA UK Awards 2002 shortlists chosen
Source: ACCA Global, 14 December 2002The UK shortlists for the environmental and sustainability reporting categories have been selected. Winners for these two awards and the social reporting awards category will be chosen in December. The awards presentation ceremony for the 2002 UK Awards will take >>> read more
New report CSR Europe: "Impacts of reporting"
Source: CSR Europe, 6 December 2002CSR Europe published a new report: "Impacts of reporting. The role of social and sustainability reporting in organisational transformation." This report, based on 32 interviews with 11 of Europes leading companies, (including Procter &Gamble, BT, Shell and Volkswagen) shows that >>> read more
CERES/ACCA launch sustainability reporting awards
Source: CERES, 4 December 2002The Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES), in conjunction with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), is launching the U.S. Sustainability Reporting Awards program. The purpose of the awards program is to contribute to reporting on sustainability, environmental and >>> read more
EU Social Affairs Council boosts Commission’s efforts on CSR
Source: Euractiv.com, 4 December 2002Exactly one year after the adoption of a Resolution on the Green Paper on CSR, on 3 December, the Social Affairs Council adopted a resolution on the Commission’s follow-up communication to the CSR Green Paper. On 3 December, the Council >>> read more
Sustainability reporting becomes mainstream in South Africa
Source: KPMG, 2 December 2002There is a marked improvement in the number of top South African companies who have reported on their non-financial performance, says professional services firm KPMG in its latest sustainability report released today. And leading these other local organisations in this >>> read more
New survey results of Sustainability Reporting in Canada
Source: Stratos, 30 November 2002The consulting firm Stratos published it´s new survey results of Sustainability Reporting in Canada Key results from our 2002 update survey are: · The number of Canadian sustainability reporters is growing; · Almost all sectors demonstrate an increase in sustainability >>> read more
CSR benefits all – Interview with Danish Employment Minister Claus Hjort Frederiksen
Source: The Danish EU Presidency, 26 November 2002In recent years, Europe has witnessed a heated discussion about corporate social responsibility, and one of the recurring questions has been whether the business community should be forced to assume a responsibility for societal cohesion or be allowed to act >>> read more
November 2002 update Global Reporting Initiative
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 23 November 2002The November 2002 update Global Reporting Initiative with: * FINAL Call for Nominations for Stakeholder Council * First Two Pilot Sector Supplements Released * Review of Sustainability Reporting Costs * Wanted: Your Issues and Perspectives * Briefing in South Africa >>> read more
New social reporting recommendations financial institutions
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 20 November 2002Key social performance indicators for financial institutions are set out in recommendations published today. Working within a project called SPI-Finance 2002, international banks, insurance companies, and other stakeholders have identified indicators for use in public reporting that are unique to >>> read more