California Ruling Means Nike Will Not Release Annual Corporate Responsibility Report Nike, Inc. today (14/10) asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review an unprecedented California Supreme Court ruling that effectively does away with First Amendment protection for companies and organizations >>> read more
Positive environmental management can lead to improved shareholder value
Source: , 15 October 2002A new report from the Rose Foundation for Communities & Environment titled "The Environmental Fiduciary: The Case for Incorporating Environmental Factors into Portfolio Management Practices" documents how environmental risk and liabilities can be a drag on shareholder value, while positive >>> read more
Domini Principal and KLD Founder Says SRI’s "Time Has Come"
Source: KLD, 10 October 2002Domini Social Investments LLC, manager of the Domini Social Equity Fund (NASDQ: DSEFX), announced today that Steven D. Lydenberg, a principal of the firm, has published an article entitled, "Envisioning Socially Responsible Investing: A Model for 2006," in the October >>> read more
New study shows good corporate citizenship pays off
Source: AGSM, 9 October 2002Companies that are good corporate citizens are more likely to be better financial performers, according to a new study by AGSM’s Dr Marc Orlitzky to be published soon. The wide-ranging study to be published in the international journal Organization Studies >>> read more
Environmental responsibility can bolster the bottom line
Source: Boston Business Journal, 9 October 2002As companies pursue the concept of sustainability (the process of driving economic, environmental, and social performance) they are trying to address these concerns as part of their business strategy and decision making process. Traditionally, the accounting profession has looked at >>> read more
UK survey of verification of reports finds ethical dilemma
Source: ERM, 7 October 2002Corporate environmental and social reports are playing an increasingly vital role in building trust between companies and their stakeholders. ERM’s latest survey reveals that leading firms are beginning to question what they really want from verification. In the absence of >>> read more
ISIS Asset Management pioneers study of Environmental Credit Risk Factors in the Banking Sector
Source: ISIS, 4 October 2002European banks have much room for improvement with regard to their assessment of the environmental credit risk of projects for which potential clients are seeking funding, says a leading investment company. The study of 10 Western European banks by investment >>> read more
GRI update October 2002
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 4 October 2002October update of The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). NEW CEO, NEW TEAM, NEW HEADQUARTERS Ernst Ligteringen has been named as the new Chief Executive of the Global Reporting Initiative. His appointment was announced by GRI on 3 October, following approval >>> read more
Many Companies Consider "Triple Bottom Line" In Corporate Reporting
Source: PriceWaterhouseCoopers UK, 2 October 2002Multinational companies in Europe and the U.S. are expanding their corporate reporting to include information on "triple bottom line" — economic, social and environmental — performance in order to influence stakeholders and the global capital markets, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ latest >>> read more
Shareholders and analysts want compulsory sustainability reporting,
Source: ECC Group, 2 October 2002Three-quarters of all respondents to a survey of German-speaking readers of sustainability reports want the process to be compulsory for larger companies, a study has found. The demand for compul-sory reporting extends beyond environmental pressure groups to analysts and investors. >>> read more
New Norwegian Act on the Right to Environmental Information
Source: Ministry of The Environment Norway, 1 October 2002The Norwegian Government today submitted a proposal for a new Act on the Right to Environmental Information. It provides all citizens with a legal right to obtain environmental information, both from public authorities and from public and private enterprises. Environment >>> read more
First Corporate Responsibility Index Survey Issued to FTSE 350 Companies
Source: Business in the Comunity, 30 September 2002On Monday, September 23, over 500 companies including the FTSE 350 have been invited to participate in the new Corporate Responsibility Index. The Index will define what corporate responsibility means in practice, setting the management and reporting boundaries against which >>> read more