Is the scandal-fueled stock market slump turning more Americans into socially responsible investors? According to Lipper data released today by the nonprofit Social Investment Forum, socially and environmentally responsible mutual funds experienced positive asset growth in the first half of >>> read more
report warns environmental risks could reduce shareholder value of leading oil and gas companies
Source: World Resources Institute, 24 July 2002A new World Resources Institute (WRI) report released today calls on investors to pay closer attention to how oil and gas companies are exposed to environmental risks. The new WRI report, Changing Oil: Emerging environmental risks and shareholder value in >>> read more
British Law Requiring SRI Reporting by Pension Funds Fails to Generate Best Practice
Source:, 24 July 2002Two years ago, the British Parliament became the first legislative body in the world to require reporting on socially responsible investing (SRI). The Pension Disclosure Regulation, which went into effect in July 2000, amended the 1995 Pensions Act to require >>> read more
Groundbreaking Report about business case for sustainability in emerging markets
Source: Sustainability, 17 July 2002The role of business in sustainable development is a key element in the coming World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. A report published today overturns conventional wisdom by showing that it does pay for businesses in emerging markets to >>> read more
Pressure groups turning up the heat
Source: Het Financieele Dagblad, 16 July 2002Companies selling consumer products are more attuned to criticism from non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and pressure groups than those which only have professional clients, according to a new study from the Dutch based consultancy and engineering group DHV and Rotterdam’s Erasmus >>> read more
Social reports leave out the aspect of disabled people
Source: The Employers' Forum on Disability, 12 July 2002The Employers’ Forum on Disability today launches ‘The Employers’ Forum on Disability Global Inclusion Benchmark’ – an annual global benchmarking exercise to audit companies’ policies towards people with disabilities and help ensure that they are truly inclusive. Fifty corporate responsibility >>> read more
Business case for Socially Responsible Investment
Source: Forum for the future, 12 July 2002On July 11th the Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS) launched a new study on the business case for Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), ‘Sustainability Pays’, produced by the Centre for Sustainable Investment at Forum for the Future. CIS set out to answer >>> read more
Eco-Efficient Pharmaceutical Companies Have Higher Share Value
Source:, 10 July 2002Innovest’s recent report on the global pharmaceutical sector notes a correlation between strong environmental performance and better stock performance, with some exceptions The body of statistical evidence correlating higher corporate environmental performance with higher stock performance has just grown. Late >>> read more
ICC comments on EU Commission communication about CSR
Source: ICC, 9 July 2002On behalf of the ICC member companies in all parts of the world, ICC comments with some serious concerns regarding recent developments in the ongoing debate within European Union institutions on the subject of corporate social responsibility (CSR). ICC members >>> read more
Consumers call for the development of International Standards for Corporate social responsibility.
Source: ISO, 8 July 2002Below please find the resolution of the Consumer Policy Committee (COPOLCO) of ISO concerning ISO CSR standards, which was made at the June, 2002 meeting of COPOLCO. The report, The Desirability and Feasibility of ISO CSR standards" (to obtain a >>> read more
NGOs Failure to Work Together Means a Return to Direct Action at Sustainability
Source: Infonic, 8 July 2002Pressure groups inability to work together and agree a common set of goals means they risk missing their best opportunity in 10 years to affect world thinking Augusts World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). That is the conclusion of a >>> read more
Final ISO CSR Feasibility Report Available
Source: ISO, 8 July 2002The final version of "The Desirability and Feasibility of ISO Corporate Social Responsibility Standards" is now available. The report was prepared by the "Consumer Protection in the Global Market" Working Group of COPOLCO, the Consumer Policy Committee of ISO (the >>> read more