Launch of the European Academy of Business in Society

Source: CSR Europe, 5 July 2002

Business leaders and academics are teaming up in a groundbreaking attempt to prove to the European business community that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) makes good business sense. Their joint research project, the European Academy of Business in Society , represents >>> read more

EU Commission adopts Communication document about CSR

Source: EU, 2 July 2002

On 2nd July 2002 the Commission adopted a communication concerning "CSR, a business contribution to sustainable development". The consultation process on the Green Paper has supported Community action in the field of CSR. In the present Communication, which constitutes a >>> read more

Companies that are socially irresponsible are being punished

Source: Environics, 13 June 2002

Consumers and shareholders are increasingly inclined to "punish" companies that are socially irresponsible, a new survey showed. According to the third Annual CSR Monitor by Environics International, the proportion of consumers who report punishing companies because of poor social performance >>> read more

Corporate governance study US companies

Source: FEI, 11 June 2002

The Financial Executives Institute has published on-line the results of a US survey of over 300 public companies, sharing insights on codes of conduct, board structure and audit committee practices. The survey, which was conducted in May 2002, reveals that >>> read more