May 2002 update GRI

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 21 May 2002

May 2002 update of The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) with the following topics: * First 33 Members of Stakeholder Council Announced * Draft Child Labour, Energy, and Water Protocols Available * Comment Period on Draft 2002 Guidelines Closes 26 May >>> read more

Industry move towards sustainability "too slow"

Source: UNEP, 16 May 2002

There is a growing gap between the efforts of business and industry to reduce their impact on the environment and the worsening state of the planet, a new report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) reveals today. This gap, >>> read more

Nordic companies winners of the EERA awards

Source: , 4 May 2002

Nordic companies are the winners of all the trophies at the award ceremony for the Sixth Annual European Environmental Reporting Awards (EERA) on April 29. The objective of EERA is to provide encouragement and guidance, as well as reward best >>> read more